View Full Version : Strange thoughts, driving me mad.

20-06-14, 15:49

I was just wondering if this is normal for people with high anxiety, I suffer daily bouts of derealization. These do not last all day 24/7 thank God, but when they happen they are still scary.

I get really strange thoughts about existence, that seem to cause instant panic, that I can't seem to control. It makes life feel like a lie/like it's completely not real, it also makes me feel trapped and whilst it's happening I am sure that I am going insane but part of me still knows it's anxiety no matter how terrible it feels.

I just want to know if this is normal and if my reaction to the panic is normal, it makes me cry/pace around/can't sit down/can't sit still/don't want to be around anyone/don't want to be alone. It just feels very confusing and scary whilst it is going on and the only thing I can do is ride it out and kind of let it happen.

Does anyone know if this is normal? I'm really worried I will go mad or have already gone mad as some of the thoughts that go through my head whilst this is happening are really crazy.


30-06-14, 01:46
Hi Greg,

I sometimes suffer the same thing as you especially when I'm alone. When I'm with friends etc I function completely normal and I feel happy within myself but sometimes when I am walking alone I feel like I could possibly be dreaming what is happening - like I can actually be in bed asleep dreaming that I'm walking if that makes sense... It's a bizarre feeling but a fleeting one at that so it only lasts a nano second or so!

I just have to give myself a mental kick and tell myself to behave basically to snap out of it. I once read that focusing on your senses can help keep you in the "real" world. Think of what the air smells like, think of the taste in your mouth, what can you hear? See? etc.... this method will really ground you in reality.
Keep yourself busy and chin up! :)

12-07-14, 06:00
Hey Greg! Definitely just went through exactly what you described. I couldn't have worded it any better myself. I was terrified for a week straight with thoughts that almost seem to be unimaginable. I cried everyday telling my mom and dad I felt like they weren't real and that I was stuck in a dream. I convinced myself everything was in my imagination.

today was the first good day I've had in a while. My thoughts just seemed to come together and I finally seemed to have a grip on things.

Just wanted to let you know that there definitely is hope. I didn't think so but today proved me wrong.

I'm also on medication and it seems to be helping a lot.

I wish you the best! Stay positive and I'm always here to talk :)