View Full Version : First time anxiety and panic attack experiences, help me ease my mind about symptoms?

20-06-14, 16:10
Hi everyone, this will be my first post here.

I'm 17 (I'm also 17 stone but bottom heavy) I've had an ECG and Blood Test apparently i'm completely fine and there is no concerns. Though I can't stop thinking about the fact I may have a heart disease, believe it or not I have been loosing weight through the years but slowly. I recently started exercising again on Wednesday, aiming for 1 hour of exercise a day.

Finished my AS exams in May, since then I started to have anxiety and panic attacks and it has calmed down a whole lot since then (after all of this I then had my ECG and Blood Test) I get paranoid about every little 'painful' tingle near my chest and seem to feel a gentle burn inside all day (I'm guessing it's just nausea) I think I have had a total of 4/5 panic attacks, though only two have been extreme and this is since around late April.

The thing that is concerning me the most is my symptoms nothing more, as its always usually around the chest area, its more of an irritating feeling than a painful one. Every now and then I get an ache in my arm or breasts and I have a habit of looking up every symptom I have experienced and making myself worry more. And of course everything I experience can be related to something serious and then I start to panic a little :lac:

What do you guys think? Does it sound like a more harmless anxiety or do you think it can be serious? I would love any advise. I know breathing exercises work and everything, I listen to calming music and all of that. Its more how can I get over the psychological part? Especially the thoughts. :weep:

20-06-14, 16:31

Nobody here can advise you medically as nobody here is a trained medical professional.


I would estimate that at least 90% of the people on here have suffered, or are suffering from chest pain during their battle with anxiety. It's one of the most common complaints.

It takes a while for your body and mind to 'come down' from a period of anxiety. If you keep practicing the deep breathing and keep telling yourself that you have been checked by the doctors and they have given you the all clear then over a period of weeks or months you'll start to feel better.

Rule 1 on anxiety club is NEVER google symptoms. :shades:

20-06-14, 16:58
That is true, I need to get out of that habit, I'll do my best :D thanks for the advice!

I would love to hear anyone else's comments about this too! c:

20-06-14, 17:38
Hi beth, I'm an 18 year old. I too was recently diagnosed with a severe panic disorder, and like the other post i'm no medical professional :P I just started buespar for the anxeity, and let me tell you that its helped a bunch! with the weird physical synsations aswell.

However, Yes i get chest pains too, and very short stabbing pains that go away as quickly as they appear. Everytime something doesn't feel right, i go into panic mode. Its a bad habbit, that will only lead to more anxeity, What i was told to do, is go to the doctor, have a full physical. Do what tests he deems nessary and let him do his thing.
I can almost promise you that all your physical symptoms are exaggerated due to the anxeity, i know mine are. If you need at all to talk about it, or anything. Feel free to private message me on here :)

Have a good one, and i hope it gets better!

Edit: and yes, never ever ever ever, google your symptoms. it made my anxeity so much worse :x

20-06-14, 17:48
Thank you so much for your reply, I will private message you in a second :) I really appreciate it!

21-06-14, 12:14
If anyone else could help, I would love advice on eating also. I'm starting to struggle a little bit :)

21-06-14, 17:35
I'm also suffering heartburn after exercise, I would appreciate any advice on that too!

21-06-14, 19:36
Its okay, i have a hard time eating too. and really haven't eaten a thing in a week.
Doctor told me to just drink lots of water, and try to drink ensure so you can get some protein in your stomach. lack of eating will also make your tummy rather upset so if you start feeling really nausious/weak its normal. And i always suffer from heartburn, consider zantac, or tums. or even talk to the doctor about getting on the "purple pill" nexium

21-06-14, 19:51
My heartburn is still here and it's terrible... I've taken a tablet, and even drank boiled water.. I'm starting to think it's either psychological or worse

21-06-14, 19:56
I've had heartburn for a week straight, its from a lack of eating and likely your anxeity is also causing it c:

22-06-14, 11:07
After my heartburn yesterday I feel a discomfort or warm feeling in the same area, just below the middle of my chest. I'm hoping that this is just the after effects of heartburn.. >>

22-06-14, 19:40
Heartburn causes chest pain. In fact it can cause pain all over the chest, back, neck, stomach and even (in me) in my left arm.

You need to try and stop focusing on it and remember the doctor has told you you're ok.

22-06-14, 21:02
I've been fine all day now, until this very second... So it seems that going outdoors and sitting in the sun helps a whole lot with my anxiety. I will have to remember that, my mum had a huge go at me. He yelled at me saying that I'm starting to be a hypochondriac because it's all in my brain >< which I agree on.. But the pains are very annoying , now I'm not doing anything I have discomfort or little sore feeling in my throat.. But it doesn't hurt to swallow so I'm guessing it is psychological and there's nothing wrong :)