View Full Version : What Can I do?

14-12-06, 10:02
Hi just me again, How is everyone? :)

i have so many questions about these bad feelings and i just dont know where to start, i hear so many other stories about other people and how they've had the same symptoms for 2, 3 or even 4 years and more and it scares me sooooooooo much to think i could be like this for a very long period of time...the thing that is scaring me most at the moment is that i could be like this on my wedding day in Feb..i dont want to take meds, i really dont...if i can be a fun, happy, outgoing bubbly person one month ago, then why cant i get back to my old self? I know it seems selfish but i always find myself asking ''Why me?" I hate to have to ask myself this because i know that there are so many people out there that are far worse than myself...does anyone else get symptoms such as feeling really nauseas or have really bad headaches at the base of their head near their neck? It is such a viscous cycle because i feel anxious, which makes me feel physically sick, which then make me feel anxious. which then gives me feelings of being unreal...what can i do to help myself make this go away....i always hope that ill wake up one morning and be back to normal...i get scared that meds may be the only way out of this for me...i dont know anymore i really dont, im frustrated, angry, scared, lethargic, upset and all these other feelings wrapped up in one all at the same time....I KNOW I CAN ONLY HELP MYSELF....its just so hard not to think about how you feel all the time, anyway i know im going on and on, i just really need other people with the same feelings to speak to about this, thanks heaps everyone.

14-12-06, 10:33
I can relate to all the symptoms you describe. Ive always been a very anxious person,but Ive greatly improved since joining this site.Heres what I now do.
1. I take omega 3 fish oils,evening primrose oil, st johns wort,magnesium and vitamin b complex.
2. I practice breathing techniques, in to a count of 4,out to a count of 8.
3. I listen to relaxation cd's.
4. I distract my thoughts by using affirmations, my fave at the mo is "I am who I am and I am good enough. I accept myself completely"
5. I try to do something I enjoy,even reading a book.
6. I try to slow down, rushing around increases my anxiety.
7. If I get the horrid head/neck pain you describe, I rub on some heat rub,I use fiery jack.The pain is from the muscles tensing and the heat rub helps to relax them.
8. I practice eft techniques (tapping)

I still get thrown sometimes by lifes changes but I am now handling things much better than I used to.

You are not alone, I hope some of the above helps you.
Take care
julie x

14-12-06, 11:40
Hi Sim,have you seen your doctor.Sometimes we need a little help from meds.It may onlt be short term.The doctor may offer you counselling.I expect you are getting really excited about the wedding and its all mixing in with your anxiety and causing you alot of symptoms.

Ellen XX