View Full Version : Argggh I want to pay for private scans because my DR won't send me for any

20-06-14, 22:44
So I believe u have either bowel,ovarian, cervical cancer or even bone cancer due to having constipation, intense lower back pain, stomach pain and cramps on right side especially, pelvis pain, nausea and bloating! I'm so scared two doctors said ibs my back pain then kicked in and next two doctors said take pain relief coedine and see if it goes in time. I obviously googled and my symptoms matched the cancers above and now I want to pay £160 for an ultrasound tomorrow of my ovaries and pelvic area, £100 for a smear test next week to make sure I'm all clear I kind of lied to my partner and said my doctor said I have to have them :( he is very angry as we have a baby and I'm not back at work yet and he like if u have these tests what next do you think it is! But my symptoms match ovarian cancer and I'm so scared.

I have stopped googling, I have cbt but do I pay for the scans ????????

---------- Post added at 22:44 ---------- Previous post was at 22:42 ----------

I not u

20-06-14, 23:10
I don't think you need to have them. I think you have IBS. Stress makes IBS worse. Google Whole30 diet. I did it and it really helped my IBS and helped me identify food triggers.

Catherine S
20-06-14, 23:15
Hi, are you on maternity leave? If so then its not long since you had your baby and this could be the reason for a lot of your symptoms as it takes a while for your body to recover from childbirth. However, if you don't trust your doctor's opinion and having the scans is the only way to give you peace of mind and you can afford it then why not do it.


---------- Post added at 22:15 ---------- Previous post was at 22:10 ----------

And there's two different opinions already lol! And will probably continue in the same way so really, the only person who can decide is you.


20-06-14, 23:22
I don't think you should have the scans and you should trust the doctor.

Save the money for the baby

20-06-14, 23:33
I obviously googled and my symptoms matched.......

I googled strange food cravings and the good doctor told me I'm pregnant ;)

Positive thoughts

21-06-14, 00:29
Did you have a c section with your baby? It took my body a very long to recover from mine.

21-06-14, 04:39
Having a baby actually triggered my IBS.

21-06-14, 07:46
Hi everyone thanks for the replies, I know I shouldn't have them & should trust doctor and it is such a waste of money I am just panicking and any pain I believe I have somthing bad! My baby isn't a new born he is 8 months old and my maternity leave finishes in a couple weeks but my work have told me there is no part time position available only full time and I have no one to have my son and I can't afford more than part time
Child care so I should be saving money for him. But can ibs be permanently? I don't want to google it because I know I will be worse. Thanks everyone for the replies I know if in feeling I shouldn't have scans I defiantly know it's the wrong thing to do but then I feel an overwhelming feeling something is wrong & I think £160 for your life!! But I know that's not normal!

---------- Post added at 07:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 ----------

Just looked at whole30 think I will give it a go, seems hard but worth it xx

---------- Post added at 07:46 ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 ----------

Oo and no c section xxx

21-06-14, 08:28
I have the same symptoms just about every day and I have ibs. Lower back pain is also likely to be from the pregnancy and carrying an 8 month baby around. Trust your doctor.

21-06-14, 08:38
Anxiety can cause very physical symptoms. Along with IBS they all sound like very normal and very healthy anxiety symptoms.

21-06-14, 16:31
I have all the same symptoms.. especially the lower back pain and it radiates all the way through. i have lost my appetite.. i hurt after i eat. I have had scans and tests and everything and my dr. already thinks I am a huge hypochondriac that she said that I am creating these symptoms. It's true because when I google they get really bad! last year I did the exact same thing and somehow I am still convinced I am dying! I really believe this is all anxiety related. it all began when I became a mom because I had no job and lots and lots of time to think and worry and google and google some more. plus becoming a parent is a HUGE change in your life. I think even the weight of responsibility is enough to give someone more anxiety.

22-06-14, 18:15
Cusper this all began with me becoming a stay at home mum!! Lots of time on my hands love my amazing son sooooo much I am living life on the edge!!!