View Full Version : upper right chest pain just below the collarbone when breathing in

21-06-14, 04:37
So since about last night I have been having this weird sensation when I breath in deeply.

Also when bending over I can feel it. I've pushed all over my chest and I can't find and spots that would seem to indicated muscle pain or bone pain.

It bothers me because when I take a deep breath in I can feel it in my neck which scares me because these are typical signs of heart problems.

I've had my heart checked I've had blood work and I've had a chest xray within the last year. I've done 2 ECG and 1 stress ECG and nothing has shown up.

I don't feel short of breath it just hurts to take in long breaths and it has been this way since last night and pretty much all day today, it doesn't seem to get better or worse by sitting or moving.

Anyone else experience this? Should I be worried?

Thanks .

21-06-14, 07:44
It sounds like muscle strain.