View Full Version : I'm going mad can't stop crying.

21-06-14, 09:50
I am so worried I'm driving myself insane.

I've booked a doctors appt for Monday because I'm so scared I've got Lymphoma or Leukemia.

I have a never ending list of symptoms, they are.

Feeling extremely tired in the mornings and sluggish but unable to sleep at night.
After lunch feeling hot all the time, face feels like it's burning, sometimes sore throat/headache.
My alleriges are so bad no amount of hayfever tablets, sprays are touching it.
A rash has appeared on my upper chest/neck which only comes on early/late evening or after I go to bed, not itchy just blotchy.
Eyes constantly uncomfortable, watery, gritty and bloodshot.
Skin sometimes itchy on lower legs but on the whole skin so dry that no amount of moisturising cures it.
Irregular light periods (Had scans etc, radiographer said perfectly normal could be perimenopuasal and get hormone levels/thyroid checked)
Hair breaking off.
Feeling like I have swollen glands but can't actually feel any swollen so not sure if that's my anxiety playing havoc.

The small part of my rational brain tells me that these symptoms could all be down to anxiety and bad allergies but I can't stop crying because I think it's Leukemia or Lymphoma.

I have to speak to the doctor as I have to have blood tests done but I'm so scared of the results I just don't think I can cope sitting waiting for the doctor to ring with bad news :(

Sorry I just felt like I had to put it all down in writing :lac:

21-06-14, 11:28
Dear Munchlet, why would you think you have lymphoma or leukaemia? It sounds as though your HA is currently focussing on these two and you are making your symptoms fit, when really they don't. Everything you describe can easily be attributed to allergies and anxiety. (Allergies are bad this year, I have never had hay fever in my life, but this spring I have had permanently itchy uncomfortable eyes.) Anyway, the main symptoms of the illnesses you fear (now, don't Google that! :winks:) are not even on your list. See your doctor on Monday and you will be reassured, but meanwhile listen to the little voice of reason in your brain telling you that you are fine. Hugs from Annie

21-06-14, 12:40
Thank you for your kind words AnnieMags.

I keep telling myself exactly that, before I had my ultrasound done I was obsessed with bladder and ovarian cancer. As soon as the sonographer said my bladder and everything else looked healthy I moved on.

I think I would totally be able to put it down to allergies but it's just this constantly feeling hot, in my head I keep thinking it's a low grade fever!! The other thing is I stupidly read that some leukemias/lymphomas are just routinely detected with blood tests.

I think I'll just have to bite the bullet, my husband made a very good point which was harsh but true, he said "even if there is something wrong with you at some point it will be detected so all you are doing by delaying the test is putting off the inevitable." He did say beforehand that he's convinced that it's my anxiety and all is well but he did make a valid point.

Thanks again for your reassurance.