View Full Version : HeartBurn and Anxiety?

21-06-14, 17:27
I wouldn't say its severe, but it happened after I did some exercise. Which was about 20 minutes later. I'm assuming I just need to eat?

---------- Post added at 17:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

It's been a while now and hasn't gone away, can't anyone help? ><

21-06-14, 19:39
So you've exercised on an empty stomach? It's common sense to feed yourself before and after exercising. On top of not having fuel for your body for your workout, there's nothing but stomach acid in your belly afterwards. Of course not eating would aggravate an acid stomach caused by anxiety. Get something healthy in you and maybe a Zantac or Tums.

Positive thoughts

21-06-14, 20:09
Well, no I did eat things. But it was like 2 sausages, a slice of bacon and a strawberry mousse... I should have probably eaten more but I really didn't feel like eating. An hour after exercise I had a manga and then my heartburn just wouldn't leave me alone. It's still here now! Even after a tablet, boiled water and relaxing!

21-06-14, 20:35
Sausage and bacon are not the best things to eat prior to exercise :doh:

Allow me to suggest something. First off, see your doctor about your acid stomach and anxiety. Stomach issues as you describe are one of the most common ailments associated with anxiety disorder. Perhaps he/she will suggest an OTC acid reducer or a prescription PPI to help with the indigestion.

Concerning foods that will feed your body prior and after exercise. You want to consume a balance of protein and carbs that will give you energy and satisfy your hunger without stirring up your acid stomach. A protein smoothie containing fruit, milk and a whey protein supplement is good before and after working out (I have one every morning for breakfast). The protein feeds your muscles, the carbs give you energy and can hold you over until lunch. Eggs and whole grain breads are a good combo as well. A chicken breast or thigh with a small potato, a can of tuna and some whole grain crackers are other good combos. Much better than the grease and fat in sausage or bacon (I know.. I love them too but....)

Give that a try and see how you feel. In the mean time, perhaps a chewable antacid (Tums/Rolaids) will help.

Positive thoughts

21-06-14, 20:46
Oh wow. I didn't know that. It's funny because I told my mum I had to be careful about what meat I ate but she made me eat it anyway. Yesterday I had scrambled eggs on toast so I guess tomorrow morning I'll have that again.

The anti acid tablets usually work but I think my heartburn now is more hunger related.. Thankfully I'm eating shortly :)