View Full Version : Flying with bronchitis and panic. How am I going to do this?

21-06-14, 16:43
I've had Bronchitis for a week. I have HA and whenever I'm ill I panic. More so this week because I'm all alone. Tomorrow I'm flying to visit my son. Hoping that having some company will help with the panic.
But first I have to get on that plane! I think it's the fear of having a panic attack on board and in front of other people that's scaring me. Or maybe fainting. (I've never fainted in my life....)
Any survival tactics to offer me.

21-06-14, 17:04
If you have never fainted in your life then I am sure you won't faint on the plane :)
Take some relaxing music on an mp3 player and just close your eyes and concentrate on the music.
I have had a panic attack on the plane before and I can't even remember if any one was looking or not but it passed and I was fine and so will you be :)
Have a lovely time with your son.

21-06-14, 17:27
Thank you! And I see there's a thread started by Gingerfish about coping with air travel too.