View Full Version : Visual disturbances?

21-06-14, 18:27
Does anyone get any kind of visual disturbances with their anxiety? I have been getting different kinds of them for the past three months, constantly (for the past 3 days I feel like when I look at people, I see doubling or something esp if they move around...hard to describe, I do not see double but it's like my brain perceives it that way, constantly questionibh what I see, and it is not everything I look at that looks that way!). Eye doctor said eyes were fine. GP doesn't think my visual symptoms are anything serious. I am getting so depressed because of this and it would mean so much to know that I am not alone! I used to get anxiety with breathing difficulties years ago, and I think I would take that anytime as it was less disturbing!:weep:
When I wake up in the morning, the first feeling I have, is sheer terror (even my muscles go stiff and I feel hot), and then I spend the day checking and rechecking if the symptoms have gone, and plunging into deeper despair and depression when I realise that they haven't.

21-06-14, 19:28
Dear Blue Stork,

I also suffered from severe visual disturbances. It changed and was very unpredictable. From vibrations, to green lights, to narrowed vision.

It is good that you saw your Doctors. They will be able to distinguish the bad from the good. Even though to me it felt that they do not understand how disturbing it was! My psyc advised me to focus away from it and by now I only notice these symptoms when I am feeling anxious.

Good luck and do not feel alone!!!

21-06-14, 19:43
This is what i'm feeling too! My vision gets very tunnel vision-ish, and quite blurry. much like a migrain makes me feel.

It comes on the worst when i'm having an anxeity attack, and when you feel your chest tighten from it. I've told my doctor and he thinks its from the anxiety, so does my psych.

I notice when i take a half a 5mg pill of valium, my vision is normal again :)

22-06-14, 09:50
The funny thing with anxiety is that the more you check your symptoms the longer they linger and the worse they'll feel. These symptoms are not harmful or dangerous, they are just a very normal reaction to the fight or flight response.

Anxiety can cause your pupils to expand, thus letting in more light and giving a wider view of the world. This can cause the symptom you are experiencing. It is completely normal :)

25-06-14, 10:52
Thank you for your replies, everyone. I do hope my symptoms are anxiety based. Had an ophthalmologist appointment the other day again, and eyes seem to be okay. Also had a chat with a psychologist, who thinks a consultation with a neurologist would not harm, even if just to reassure me (whereas GP doesn't think it's necessary despite me telling him these symptoms are distressing me as they have been around for 3 months and after a brief improvement, ar 10x as bad now!). I sure hope they go away as I am battling through each day and the world seems so impersonal and weird now!

25-06-14, 19:05
Aye my vision gets distorted. Had hallucinations before. But on the whole what throws me off is "busy imagery" as I call it. Things with a lot of detail. For instance a highly detailed pattern or something made with an intense colour. Trying to focus on such patterns or designs will literally make my vision go very odd indeed. But as said above, it can't harm you. Just have to let it be. It'll pass of it's own accord - usually when you focus less time on worrying about it ;)


27-06-14, 10:01
I hear this my vision as been scareing me for weeks now even had them checked at hospital they say they fine and as for being stiff after checking the min you open your eyes I do this like past few weeks I feel like you no how some times you feel like cold creeping up your legs or some were in your body my legs been feeling this way or am I just focusing on it the reason might be is even tnough I suffered forty years and more in Feb I got this sensation in my legs and I feared it so bad my whole body was feeling the same I beggec my son to take me to a&e something I have never done in all this time but I was so afraid of it so now if I get the slightest different sensation in my legs I think its all goi g to happen again it made me panic for over two hours I was crying my heart out with fear I hate these stupid fears but u can't just stop them wish we could. Take care xxx