View Full Version : help needed plz

21-06-14, 23:56
Not sure if health anxiety involved but something is wrong
I can't keep my eyes open. Night sweats and nausea

Doc never told me how high over normal it was

I am awake now after being asleep all day but still can't keep eyes open

---------- Post added at 23:56 ---------- Previous post was at 23:55 ----------

It won't let me post link but it's in blood test section

22-06-14, 00:50
You mean your blood test was high over normal?

If you need to sleep, even if you have been asleep all day, I would guess that you can just let yourself sleep. If something is wrong with your body, it naturally wants to go to sleep to repair itself. Once when I had swine flu, I slept 20 hours a day for a week!

Hope you feel better soon!

22-06-14, 01:08
Hi yeah
White blood count was high
Feel tired sick sweat at night

Everything I see online says leukemia

22-06-14, 04:38
It would be pretty unlikely.. I would just sleep, stop googling and maybe read other peoples problems. That's what I'm doing. Hell, I think I'm having a heart attack and that my heart muscle is dying lol so I'm trying to forget about it. It always seems kinda rediculouse when it's some one else lol but when it's u, it's real, u know your dying and there is nothing funny about it lol. :flowers:

23-06-14, 06:28
Went for short walk last night and was breathless
Felt ill just watching TV
Went to sleep woke up with my legs dripping with sweat and feel tired already
Night sweats can't be good can they
Can't see doctor till Friday
Only 6 am and feel like crying. Damn

30-06-14, 08:18
Feel awful . Unwell like I'm going to vomit and really unwell All last night

All hands have lost fat does that make sense. They are real boney

Also lost a few lbs in weight last few days

If I had cancer would my blood be off more than it is. I feel lousy

Now I wake up and straight away I have stomach pain. I am scared to death

30-06-14, 12:38
If your blood tests were that abnormal, your doctor would have sent you for further testing. Best to just call and ask as opposed to assuming. When you lose body fat, you lose it everywhere. Spot reduction, as in your hands only is not physiologically possible.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

30-06-14, 16:09
Am stranded miles from home
Normally get taxi but feel that ill like I'm gonna be sick I can't even do that. Never felt so ill. Don't know what to do

30-06-14, 16:16
I hope u get home safely brazil, try breathing deeply+distract yourself from your thoughts. Wishing ypu all the best x