View Full Version : first panic attack

22-06-14, 03:31
ive never had a panic attack before.
ive made a journal from when it happened til now.


june 19th 2014
stressed out day. Didnčt get to go home for lunch like i usually do.
Decided to go to the gym after work
had a pre workout called GAT contains 325mg of caffeine
started back workout lifting heavy. In between sets i noticed heavy heart beat so i took it easier and took more rest before sets. 4th excercise my heart was beating pretty hard so i cut off the workout and went on the treadmill walking slow. At 3.25 mins in i noticed my heart racing so i stopped the treadmill. Then i felt a surge through my body and my heart was racing so fast it was hard to breath.
I asked the nearest person next to me for help and they tried to calm me down. I kept insisting to find help. They then helped me walk to the front desk where a nurse laid me down and monitored my pulse. I felt a tingling in my left arm so they called the paramedics. Paramedics helped me with oxygen and monitored my pulse. My heart rate eventually went down and they said i was ok and left me at the gym.

June 20th
took friday off work
i go to the mcphillips walk in clinic and tell the dr my issue. She takes my blood pressure and checks my heart saying that im ok but i should go see my family doctor
i see my family doctor after waiting for 5 hrs.
My family doctor gets concernedwith my story so he gets me a ecg scan
the scan says i have an irregular heart beat and then shcedules me to see an cardiologist in the upcoming week. Books to resee him in two weeks. Says no caffeine for a month or alchohol.
I go home and i hang out with friends feeling ok

june 21st saturday
wake up feeling good. Go to the gym for some light excercise. Felt uneasy tingling and butterflies in my stomach so i leave.
I go home take a nap and go for a swim. Swim was only 5 minutes and i felt nervous when my heart rose.
Mom comes over i keep feeling butterflies and tingling in hands. She leaves.
I go to tim hortons for a decaf coffee. Still feeling butterflies i go to safeway at 9pm to grab some decaf tea. During walk to safeway i get un easy feeling and my breathing starts to get difficult and heart starts to pound. I then walk away from safeway and make my way home.

June 20th, sunday 2014