View Full Version : Whats rational? A bum issue

22-06-14, 15:53
Hi all,

Having another HA "moment" this time about my bowels. I know my HA anxiety is getting involved big time and making me feel more worried than I should be. I would really appreciate some impartial advice on what I should do, how long I should wait before going to the GP.

I've been feeling bloated for the last few weeks. However, for the last 5 days I've been feel crampy right down low in my abdomen and back (not menstrual cycle related). I've been feeling like I need to go all the time (bit like constipation), but still going regularly (once a day). I tried All Bran on Thursday and Friday morning for breakfast and on Friday ended up going to the loo 4 times (all times normal size etc - sorry tmi!) Cramping was unbearable and in my back. Sleeping on my stomach it was aching so much. Stopped the All Bran, Saturday went to the loo twice (all normal) but still crampy... today been to the loo twice and have the runs. :weep:

As I said I'm getting quite anxious about this, I had treatment for piles last December as had some minor "leakage" which didn't really help, but the treatment was so painful I didn't go back!

I've also been on a month long course of antibiotics for something else which I finished a week and a half ago. Could it be this?

In the last few days I've started pro-biotics but they don't seem to be doing anything.

Of course, I'm thinking "worst case scenario" and making myself miserable.

How long would be sensible to wait to see the GP?
I don't want to go running at the first opportunity to seek reassurance!


space xxx

22-06-14, 17:08
Antibiotics can affect your digestive system. I have ibs and wouldn't be able to eat anything like All bran as it upsets my stomach. It could be ibs or even a tummy bug. I would wait a few days and if it doesn't settle see your gp. Try to eat a bland diet the next few days. (If it is a tummy bug then bananas, toast and plain boiled rice are good to eat).

24-06-14, 21:41
Thanks Annie. I still have the discomfort but its calmed down a bit since I stopped the all bran! Its a bit disconcerting as I have this feeling of needing to go but not going to the loo!

I've noticed it gets worse as the day goes on - does that suggest IBS?

I'm trying hard to disentangle what's ha and in my mind and what's real symptoms. I get terrible reflux when I'm anxious where I bring up big chunks of food... Really scary and not "normal" but 100% anxiety.

Has anyone else had similar? Lower bowel seems to "bubble" and ache still.


Space xxx

24-06-14, 22:18
I am suffering the same today and do most days but I know I have ibs. I have also noticed that certain foods make it worse and sugary foods have a bad affect on me. Not good as I love sweet things :)

28-06-14, 12:42
Thanks Annie. I'm starting to get really anxious about this now as its not getting any better.
I have a constant need to go to the loo and am going a bit more often than usual.

I had a blood test a few months ago that was high for anti nuclear antibodies... These are high if you have lupus or other autoimmune diseases and if you have cancer. I saw a rheumatologist who says I don't have an autoimmune issue.... I'm putting it all together and feeling awful.

I've made an appointment with the gp for Wednesday. I have to admit Minnie's post has really worried me as well.

Want to sit on the loo and cry all day :(

28-06-14, 13:05
You are doing the right thing seeing your doctor. Unfortunately it is a vicious cycle as the more anxious you get about it the worse the bowel problem gets so best to get reassurance from your GP.