View Full Version : Overthinking is ruining my life!

22-06-14, 16:52
Hi guys. My names Ryan and I am new to the forum. I've already seen a few threads similar to mine but I thought I would try explain my problem and see if anyone could help me!

So i'll try keep things as simple as I can. I'm now 22. When I was 17 i suffered from a real bad anxiety attack. I was suffering from really bad irrational thoughts back then. I was scared I would go to prison for no reason at all. I didn't leave my house for a couple of weeks I felt so worried I couldn't eat etc. I was given some tablets for it and eventually is subsided. I have kind of forgotten about that now. It was so horrible I've made myself forget it?

Now 4-5 years on I have started to notice that I have a problem which is starting to take over my life and that is overthinking! What has made me realize that this has gone too far is I recently had a relationship with a really nice girl. We were only together for two months. I trusted her but for some reason I would still worry she would cheat on me, leave me, didn't really like me. In the end that is whats caused her to leave. I kept causing stupid arguments and in the end she had enough of it and who could blame her.

Now I think back I have done this with a few other short term girlfriends I have had and that's caused them to leave I guess. Its mainly relationship things I over-think but it does happen with work related things etc but at the moment i'm not worrying about that.

I've just realized I have wrote an essay here lol, yet I still don't feel like I have explained properly! I'm seeing my doctor this week to maybe change medication and I am also seeing a councilor/ therapist this week which I hope can help me change my thought process. Has anyone else suffered similar things and overcome it and lived a happy life!? Thank you for anyone that took there time out to read this!

Catherine S
22-06-14, 17:52
Hi Ryan, I think a lot of anxious people live in a 'what if' world, and its hard to know if being that type of personality causes anxiety or the other way around!

23-06-14, 00:45
Hi Ryan, yeah I overthink too. Those constant thoughts like 'what if ' and they just keep going on and on and won't stop. It's just a typical, very common thing linked with anxiety.

You'll find some great help on here and welcome to the site, seeing a counsellor/therapist will help, good luck :)