View Full Version : Health Anxiety to Depression?

22-06-14, 17:13
Looking to see if anyone can relate.

For me, My health anxiety is mostly, ongoing. However, sometimes I get a few days, or even weeks where I feel like my mood wont lift. Like a weight on your shoulders and you feel nothing but depression and lose interest in things for a while. It usually goes after a while but seems to come from no where sometimes or usually after a period of worry.

So looking to see if anyone else goes from HA to mild depression from time to time rather than just panic mode all the time?



22-06-14, 18:00
Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand, one causing the other or vice versa. You're not alone! :)

24-06-14, 21:44
I've heard they go hand in hand... But I just tend to go from one anxiety issue to the next and don't have depression really. Hope it gets better soon x

30-06-14, 00:32
Hi Jayware,

I've recently started to experience some bouts of depression, exactly the same as you describe. It's only been a couple of weeks. It's been very scary for me because I'm so used to feeling panicky and anxious that feeling flat is a whole new experience - and I hate it! I would almost rather feel the anxiety, you know? I know that's not healthy, but at least I am used to anxiety.

I also wonder whether it's truly depression we feel in these cases, or if we are so used to feeling hyper with anxiety that we can't realise and accept feelings of calmness. For me, I feel like I either need to be completely anxious or completely happy to feel comfortable - if it's that grey "in between" I don't know how to deal with that.

Anyway, it's great to read that someone else is going through this. Do you take any meds or go to any therapy to help deal with this? We get some free counselling through work and I'm thinking about doing that.

Hang in there!