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View Full Version : Worried about my heart

22-06-14, 19:23
I have made a few threads about what I thought this was, but I was wrong on all counts. I am 18, 5' 7'' and 209 lbs. For the past week following my Pilonidal surgery my heart rate was through the roof. It was resting at 80 bpm, and when I got up to do anything it would shoot up to 120 bpm. I went to my GP and got an EKG, which came back normal except it showed a bit of a high blood pressure (139/90). She now has me on Lopressor and is recommending a cardiologist. This has had me in anxiety mode for two days now, with a weird chest feeling (not pain, just weird) and constantly checking my pulse. I am afraid that I will have a heart attack. I wish it would stop.

22-06-14, 19:33
You have slightly high blood pressure and you're eighteen. You probably have more chance of winning the lottery and getting struck by lightening on the same day than having a heart attack, please stop worrying and get on with your youthful life!

22-06-14, 19:43
I know it is rare for me to have one, but I have been getting minor pains in my chest and thigh and it has been freaking me out.

22-06-14, 21:42
I'm 17 and trust me, there's no way we can get a heart attack at our age. Our hearts are young, healthy and strong!! I had the same worry too back when my bpm was high, though it's lower since. The pains you feel in your chest is EXACTLY what I get!! I cry about it sometimes because I get worried but then I get my mum yelling at me (she goes through it too) and tells me I'm just turning into a hypochondriac! Those pains you feel are psychological causes of anxiety, they are completely harmless yet psychologically hurt you. Not physically! So don't worry :) I have had chest pains for a long long time and I assure you everything is fine, you need to remember that :3

Keep positive and remember it's nearly impossible to have a heart attack!

23-06-14, 00:13
Thanks guys. It does help. It is such a vicious cycle. I am trying to calm myself down at the moment because my heart rate is high again. One side question, when I get a high pulse I feel a lot of nervous energy. I am constantly moving my feet and flexing my leg muscles. It feels like I have to get up and go do something. Does anyone else get like that?

My pulse is 98.

23-06-14, 09:11
That's the adrenaline from anxiety, what's called "nervous energy". Nothing to do with your heart and nothing at all to worry about. :)

25-06-14, 06:51
Hey I'm 17 as well, and literally focus on my heart all day. It pounds at all times, and I can feel it in my head. My BP is sort of high, but not hypertension. I can actually see my left nipple, stomach and neck pulsate with it. Even weirder I can see a dark spot in my vision that pulsates with my heart as well.

25-06-14, 10:22
Ordinary heart attacks that strike the middle-aged and beyond take years to build up, so not you for several decades yet.

Anything else will be detected by a stethoscope or ekg.

Your main worry is to lead a healthy lifestyle now so you don't start having heart problems thirty years from now.