View Full Version : Scared of thoughts returning

14-12-06, 12:53
Hi everyone. I've not been on for a while because i've just moved house. I just would like other people's advice. I have suffered with horrible thoughts from time to time, usually after periods of anxiety. I'm feeling very anxious at the moment (probably due to moving etc) and am having trouble breathing and have a lump in my throat an butterflies almost constantly. I try to do the 7 in 10 out breathing technique and it does work but only temporarily. I'm just scared that the thoughts will return along with the other symptoms. I don't think my job helps. I work for a child psychologist and hear about some of the terrible things people do to their children and I'm sat here at my computer with a photo of my darling, precious son next to me and i just feel like crying. It would probably help if i did cry but i can't - it's just teh feeling that i want to. Not sure what to do to stop worrying about what might happen and just feel less anxious all the time.

14-12-06, 22:57
Hi vix,

sorry youre having a crap time but youve got to remember it wont be like this forever,i know it seems like that at the mo but i can assure you things will get better for you.

Try to distract yourself from yourself if you know what i mean,throw yourself into doing things you like,even simple things like listening to your favourite music or watching your favourite film.

The more you distract yourself,the less the thoughts will come.

Keep ya chin up,Candie xxx

15-12-06, 11:31
Thanks for your kind reply and positivity Candie. I do try to distract myself and perhaps i'll get better at it as time goes on. I just hate the fact that my mind can come up with such awful and upsetting things and often they just hit you when you least expect it. I think it's the time of year as well, as I think lots of people find. Thanks again - Vix

15-12-06, 11:51

You hit the nail on the head there when you said "the thoughts hit you when youre least expecting it" ....

Theyre just thoughts thats all,nothing bad will happen to you or anyone close to you because youre thinking it.
Have faith in yourself vix and know that as quick as the thoughts come,they can go away just as quick.

Hope youre ok today,take care,Candie :) xxxx

16-12-06, 09:17
Hiya.... i have bad thoughts too.... some really freaky 1's that no one i suppose could imagine. It upsets me because....where do these thoughts come from?.... and why me? I know i would never act on them... so why do i have them then? Its gettin in my way...recently i gave my b/f a key to my house.....i was skeptical....because of the negative thoughts i have.....anyway now he has the key i'm totally freakying out...and i don't know why.... and i can't ask for the key bk, because then i would feel stupid. I need these thoughts to go away... I was goin to talk to my doctor about a therapist....but not sure if they can help with these obsessive thoughts

18-12-06, 11:27

Candie, yes, i'm ok thanks. Quite good weekend but breathing still terrible. Hope you are ok too.

d3niro - yes, i think you should definitely go and see your gp and i'm pretty sure he/she would refer you to see someone. I know that NHS psychs usually have long waiting lists but maybe the practice counsellor at least. I'm lucky in that my work pays for me to see someone (i work for a psychologist!). Sometimes, there are good therapists who don't charge the earth - one website you could try is www.bacp.co.uk (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists) which may have someone good in your area. At least it will help you to understand why you have the thoughts and give you some methods of dealing with them. Good luck.

Take care - Vix