View Full Version : Constant anxiety attacks...

23-06-14, 12:20
My sleeping schedule is currently messed up. I'm up all night and I sleep literally all day.
The second I wake up, I feel very jittery, panicky, and on edge. I can't focus to save my life, my Mind is always scattered/racing, my memory has gone down the drain, I get those weird sensation waves in my hands/feet, tightness in my chest, lump in my throat, heart palpitations, cold sweats, the "impending doom" gut feeling, etc...

I can sum it up by saying that something, I don't know quite what, is terribly wrong..like it always feels like something's "off."

There's more symptoms, but I'd take up too much of your time if I listed them all. Do you guys think my anxiety worsens when my sleep patterns are thrown off? Ugh! I don't know, but I can't stand feeling like this for much longer. I feel like I'm going to literally come out of my skin!

Any advice/suggestions or similar experiences?

24-06-14, 13:16
You need regular sleeping habits for hormone health too.
Not to mention youre supposed to be awake through the daytime and getting sunlight on your skin, which will also have an effect on well being.

Nutrition, daily exercise, its corny but it is all true and has a massive impact on how resilient you are to anxiety and what mood youre in.