View Full Version : Scan worry

23-06-14, 12:55

Me again - so I took a turn for the worst with my HA on Friday - had a huge panic attack as soon as I woke up, I was sick and I felt exhauseted so I took the day off work.
I woke up Saturday feeling equally as drained and dreadful but my boyfriend hoiked me out of bed and took me out for the day - I only had one panic attack and I did start to feel better.
I had planned to cancel plans to go out with some girlfriends in the evening but I went and had a great time.

My main symptom is a pain in my right side which has been nagging on and off for a few weeks - around the time my HA started due to symptoms from a UTI which I have been treated for.
I have since had three urine tests - all clear except a tiny bit of blood in one when I was menstruating and two FBC - my CRP and white cells were slightly high in the first one but the second was, according to the nurse, 'so normal it's not even funny.'

But, due to my state on Friday I called the doctor who has now ordered a blood test, stool and urine sample and an ultra sound out of reassurance.

I'm not sure if it's worth putting myself under the stress of undergoing all these tests when I've had clear ones before and the pain comes and goes when I'm thinking about it.. what do you think?
I'm thinking of doing the bloods and samples and if they're clear and I start to feel better cancelling the scan as I don't have a date for that yet.

Does anybody know how long it takes to get results for sample tests back?

I'm determined to get over this as it's causing me nothing but misery.

Thanks xox

24-06-14, 21:47
Hi, uti's are so painful - you have my sympathies! Regarding the pain is it lower abdominal? If so it could be endometriosis which is very common. It wouldn't show up on a scan.
