View Full Version : symptom question

14-12-06, 13:22
I suffer from what i think is anxiety disorder, i dont have panic attacks as such but can be anxious for weeks at a time. At first this did lead to panic attacks but now ive got used to the symptoms i tend to just carry on as normal. Last weekend I had the usual feelings of difficulty breathing and since then I have this wierd feeling in the left side of my chest. Its really hard to explain almost like something inside is blocked. Ive done the usual and decided its anything from heart failure to fluid on the lung!!! lol But I am not going to panic, surely this is just another symptom of my anxiety?? Does anyome else find this that they get used to a symptom, stop havingit and then bam it hits them with something else??


14-12-06, 13:37
That's the way it goes unfortunately. Have you been to see your gp? Anxiety can manifest itself in so many ways and it often goes hand in hand with depression. If you're worried, see your doctor. He/she may be able to prescribe something to give you some temporary relief while you address the issues of what is causing this.

Take care


14-12-06, 13:41
Thanks Jo
Ive booked the doctors next week, I thought I could cope with this on my own but the bouts of anxiety are getting more frequent and lasting for longer. It was just a new symptom and I wondered if anyone else had had it.


14-12-06, 13:52
Hi there, i can totally relate to the way you feel. It does seem like as soon as you get used to one symptom and stop panicking about it and just get used to it, along comes another one for you to panic about. I've not had the symptom you describe but do you think it may be to do with your breathing difficulties? Sometimes, when i've had difficulty breathing, i've had a pain in my chest from breathing so much. Possibility, but good that you're going to see your doc and good luck with that. Vix

14-12-06, 16:23
Good for you. Hope you have a good GP - some of them are better versed in mental health than others. Let us know how you get on.

How on earth did you get an appointment for next week! At our surgery you have to ring or turn up on the morning - often 8/10 people queueing up outside from 8.15!
