View Full Version : How can anyone with GAD live a normal/productive life?

23-06-14, 15:11
Are there any members on here who can testify? And to those who have suffered for a long time do you find that your quality of life has improved or got worse over time?

Thanks guys
Calum X

23-06-14, 18:22
I've had GAD for many years and, at one stage, it got to the better of me and I lived each day in fear. One day something clicked and I decided that it was no longer going to control me anymore. I learnt that I was letting it take over my life.

24-06-14, 07:42
I've only had an official diagnosis of GAD since last December 2013 but I've had bouts of anxiety on and off since I was about 10 or 11. January and March were my lowest points, but since then I have significantly improved and haven't had a huge, unbearable patch of anxiety for 3 months running now. I still have niggles here and there, but this site really helps me out :) feeling great so far this week! Things I would ruminate over for weeks or months now only bother me for a couple of days at most. So yes, you can always make a journey upwards with gad. Just expect the journey to be a rocky one, but one which you're always moving forward in abd getting stronger. Are you treating your anxiety with therapy or medicine? I would recommend cbt, that's what helped me.

24-06-14, 08:59
Agree with Lyn89 CBT changed my life. I was first diagnosed in 2003 and it's been a rocky road but three years ago I had CBT and my quality of life improved substantially. I've a really good job, got married and go on loads of holidays and days out, thing's I never would have done before.

I still have off days, but doesn't everyone, in fact I'm having a one today where quite a lot of stress has built up, but i'll spend some time refocusing and will be fine.

The best advice I can offer is:

Don't sit on things, deal with them as and when they arise
Someone else's reaction to what you do/ say is their problem not yours
Don't take on other people's problems, it's up to them to get them resolved
Make some time for you- this is really hard to do but so important

Surround yourself with positive people, the ones who are supportive and can help you through the good times and bad. When I started working on recovery I weeded out many cling ons!