View Full Version : Just an update about my doctor's visit Pre-diabetes?

23-06-14, 15:25
I went to my doctor last week for a pre-diabetes review and I was sent for a Glucose Fasting test and an HBA1C test which will reveal how much glucose has been in my blood over the past 2-3 months...

I have been pre-diabetic since last year and that was the year my retching and dry heaving started getting worse so I am just wondering if there is a link here somewhere. The only GI disorder that could be related to erratic blood sugar levels is Gastroperasis but I don't think I have that!

One thing that did concern me during the consultation though was that he mentioned my pancreas and asked me if I had ever had it tested!!! Now I am worrying thinking I might have a pancreas disorder!!! I wonder why he mentioned the pancreas?

Have any members on here ever had any problems with pre-diabetes or erratic blood sugar levels and if so what happened to you?

Cheers X

24-06-14, 21:22
I didn't know that pre-diabetes existed as a condition. I thought you either had diabetes or you didn't?

As for dry retching I've had it as an anxiety symptom for years and always thought it was due to my mouth going dry in times of stress. Am now middle-aged and have had it since I was about 5-now I use sugar-free polos to keep the saliva flowing! I used to be really embarrassed by it and tried to disguise it by saying I had a cough. It's nothing sinister.

24-06-14, 22:48
I don't know why doctors do that kind of thing, it's really alarming for most patients and very inconsiderate of them. Tests on the pancreas are not generally done as a matter of routine so why would you have had one?

So, you'll get your blood tests results back next week and if there's anything of concern, your GP will order some more blood tests which will show up any problems in the kidneys, liver and any pancreatic disorders would show up in those. There's no reason to think anything is wrong though, so please don't worry too much.

It is highly unlikely you'll have gastroparesis as this is something which affects people who have had uncontrolled diabetes for a long time. Before I was diagnosed with diabetes, I felt rough in many ways but I had likely had it for a while. Anyway, I didn't have any retching issues or stomach problems. It might be something unrelated to blood sugars or pre-diabetes.

25-06-14, 08:49
Some doctors are just clueless when they order countless tests for patients with obvious health anxiety. It really isn't kind and just fuels the HA. Why can't GPs realise this? They are so keen to follow NICE guidelines yet most fail miserably when it comes to mental health issues.

25-06-14, 13:00
Pulisa - people with health anxiety may often ask the doctor for these tests for reassurance. It is difficult for them because a) what if the concern is genuine and they ignore it, that could lead to a lawsuit b) the NHS is too underfunded and the tests are often prioritised to those that the doctor feels who needs them most c) surgeries have their own budgets and targets which differ from practice to practice.

I agree that there is a lack of training or understanding in mental health but I think doctors have a lot to weigh up when making these decisions. I know that a mental health charity has begun training staff at GP surgeries on communicating and treating those with mental illnesses and it has achieved some positive responses, let's hope it spreads!

25-06-14, 13:55
I suffer from HA myself Rennie but I do understand the problem of testing or not testing for various medical conditions. I just think that GPs should be able to help HA patients by not complying with their requests for repeated investigations if there are no obvious red flag symptoms.

25-06-14, 14:02
I don't know why doctors do that kind of thing, it's really alarming for most patients and very inconsiderate of them. Tests on the pancreas are not generally done as a matter of routine so why would you have had one?

So, you'll get your blood tests results back next week and if there's anything of concern, your GP will order some more blood tests which will show up any problems in the kidneys, liver and any pancreatic disorders would show up in those. There's no reason to think anything is wrong though, so please don't worry too much.

It is highly unlikely you'll have gastroparesis as this is something which affects people who have had uncontrolled diabetes for a long time. Before I was diagnosed with diabetes, I felt rough in many ways but I had likely had it for a while. Anyway, I didn't have any retching issues or stomach problems. It might be something unrelated to blood sugars or pre-diabetes.

Hi SarahSarah, I had my Renal Function checked in September 2013 and my Liver Function checked in April 2014. Both were "fine" or so I was told!!! Would any pancreatic issues show up in these 2 tests then??? How accurate are the renal and liver function tests I wonder???

---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:59 ----------

I didn't know that pre-diabetes existed as a condition. I thought you either had diabetes or you didn't?

As for dry retching I've had it as an anxiety symptom for years and always thought it was due to my mouth going dry in times of stress. Am now middle-aged and have had it since I was about 5-now I use sugar-free polos to keep the saliva flowing! I used to be really embarrassed by it and tried to disguise it by saying I had a cough. It's nothing sinister.

Hi Pulisa, I too find that I need a constant supply of boiled sweets! Without them my retching becomes very out of control... Do you find this also? And I wonder why chewing on a sweet seems to help???

---------- Post added at 14:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:01 ----------

I didn't know that pre-diabetes existed as a condition. I thought you either had diabetes or you didn't?

As for dry retching I've had it as an anxiety symptom for years and always thought it was due to my mouth going dry in times of stress. Am now middle-aged and have had it since I was about 5-now I use sugar-free polos to keep the saliva flowing! I used to be really embarrassed by it and tried to disguise it by saying I had a cough. It's nothing sinister.

Did you ever have any tests to check your Gastrointestinal tract? E.g. Barium swallows, Upper Gi's, Endoscopy, ultrasounds, scans???

25-06-14, 20:54
I think the sweet sucking for me counteracted the dry mouth I would get which would make me panic and gag. It naturally produced saliva which made me feel more comfortable and able to speak. I couldn't bear the thought of having to speak to someone as that would make me retch-strange, but true!

As for GI tests , no I didn't need any as my symptoms were those produced by anxiety. My Dad also suffered and he used the sweet technique as well-he had a very high powered job and suffered hugely. I have to say that he's now 93 and still going strong!