View Full Version : Anyone really worry about this??

23-06-14, 17:00
My main problem is social anxiety but I have these anxious thoughts more and more lately to the point that I'm actually getting upset about it and can't get it out of my head... I'm really scared and worried of my mum and dad getting older and passing away... I keep really worrying about it... I just couldn't cope at all... I keep worrying how short life is and that my mum and dad are getting older... I wonder if this is just s result of anxiety... I mean I know everyone worries about these things but it's really affecting me... I don't want it to take over and get really bad... I'm trying to sort my social anxiety and a few of you may have read some of my posts before but not sure how I get round these thoughts... Any advise would be appreciated... I'm thinking by saying what it is on here might help me get it off my chest and rationalise it ... Maybe .. X

23-06-14, 19:06
my mum is the most important person in the world and I often wonder what I would do if she wasn't here anymore but she is only 36 so I know it isn't going to be for a long time
I'm 17 and should be getting on with my life but I don't want to leave home as she is the only person who can talk sense into me when I have irrational health anxiety thoughts and just her presence can calm me down for some reason I can't quite explain so I'd say those thoughts are normal I'd say, I don't know what I would do without my mum.

23-06-14, 20:04
Hi Jefferina,
I think some of this may be coming from feeling a bit vulnerable at the moment,and its causing you to over think a bit.
Once you start becoming more engrossed in other things,and you will,these sort of thoughts probably won't be on your mind so much.
I think everyone has these sort of thought sometimes, whether its about parents,partners,its part of what happens when you really love someone,but the truth is,non of us know how long we have on this earth,thank goodness,so its best just to focus on the here and now,because, that's really all we have.
I no longer have my parents,and I was an only child,so that can have it's a own sort of sadness,because the times I had growing up can't be shared with a sibling.
When I lost my mum,about 7 years ago,I thought I would never get over it,but time passes,and you get on with your life.
Now I can talk about her more,and laugh and cry a bit sometimes,especially with my daughters,and enjoy the memories.
I would try and stop these thoughts in their tracks if you can,by distracting yourself with something else.
Tell them you love them,often,as I'm sure you do anyway,and then just enjoy them.
The last thing I ever said to my Mum was " I love you,bye", thinking I would see her the following day.I didn't.How glad I am that I said those words.
She was elderly,I hasten to add.
Life passes fast for all of us,don't ruin the present time by dwelling on something that none of us really know.
I hope this helps a bit.:hugs:

23-06-14, 20:22
Thank you both for your replies nice to no I'm not alone in thinking this...
Aprilmoon that was such a lovely message thank you.. I've read it over a few times.. Your so right I must not dwell on this it's not doing me any good... They no I love them very much and I no they love me we are very close so I am very lucky and that is what I will try and focus on...
Life is hard isn't it at times.... Thanks again it really helps xx