View Full Version : Tiny red dots

23-06-14, 17:47
I have very tiny, about the size of a pin top, bright red dots on the insides of my upper arms. I have about 20 on one arm and 50 on the other. I also noticed a few on my chest and inner thighs. I first noticed them on Thursday. I have been having bad anxiety for about a week now. I went to an urgent care clinic and she couldn't really see them, she said she could barely see them and there was not that many so she would contribute it to aging. But when I'm in bright light u can see them very clearly and you can see how they are all over my arm. Any advice from anyone would be appreciated until I can get to my Dr. Since I have health anxiety I am obviously concerned about lymphoma.


23-06-14, 18:36
If it helps, Lymphoma was by far my biggest fear - for about 8/9 years! I to have these, like little burst capillaries, so tiny like the end of a needle size! Had them for about 2 years now. Had bloods last month and everything completely normal. I genuinely believe these are absolutely nothing to worry about! Xx

24-06-14, 17:04
Yes I have these and asked my doctor about them and he told me they are notjing to be concerned about. Normal.

24-06-14, 17:07
I've had these for years. Doc told me the name of them but cant remember but its nothing to worry about x

24-06-14, 17:47
I got lots of these last year pretty sure they're cherry angioma, my doc told me they're nothing to worry about, I still have them tho hate the look of them :-(
But at least they're normal :-)

24-06-14, 18:14
My dermatologist said it is keratosis pilaris. Where on your arms do you have them?

24-06-14, 20:58
Inside of my forearms

24-06-14, 21:18
Not that we can really advise you as you should see your GP if you're worried, but does this look familiar?


I have them, they're very common and completely benign.


24-06-14, 22:13
Not the big ones, they look like the smaller ones. Thank you very much!!!

25-06-14, 08:52
I had these after being in the sun - nothing to worry about I was told by my gp :)

21-12-14, 19:23
Glad to see these are just Cherry Angioma, just noticed these very tiny, pin prick sized dots under/on my skin. Was worried it was petichae, but I think these are far smaller.

21-12-14, 22:12
I also have hundreds of these. I freaked out about them too but I'm pregnant and had loads of blood tests so think they would have found out if anything was wrong. I think they are quite normal.