View Full Version : loosing control

14-12-06, 15:02
hey guys,

sorry im back again,

woke this morning feeling all the pains and tense down my left side as usual, but ow i have this pain running down the middle of my right leg, my eyes are hurting, i feel drained and weak , and very light body and headed,

hearts not racing nor my breathing,

but something just dont feel right.

feel scared and alone, i live in a house where they ask how you are then move on before you have had time to explain, sometimes i dont think they even notice what im going through

everyone on here has been very kind and supportive , i would be lost without you guys.

a whole yr of my life has been wasted on this, constantly worrying that im dying or sitting in tense pain, i feel like a coward, afraid to move across the door, even afraid while im at home to. just cant seem to accept the last week that this is all just anxiety,

just want the pain to end and feel peaceful and relaxed,

dont even a have a place in this house where i can go to relax and have some peace and quiet, always people coming and going, music blasting from at least 2 rooms at a time, tv constantly on.

i wish i could make this all go away even for just a day, just want to feel normal and relaxed again, am i asking to much, am i being selfish?

where can i find peace, i have tried looking for it.

when i see myself now im a shadow of the person i once new, the light has gone, no more spark. doesnt even sound right when i speak, i get anx when i hear myself talk to people

have made some good friends on here, know lots about them, but can never seem to talk about myself.

sometimes even Tv sets my off, music videos that i would love to watch or programs can even set me off.

what have i become???

why is everyday a day when i think its the end.??????????????????

14-12-06, 15:08
Hey Steve,

((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS AND MORE HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))

Take Care


Ma Larkin
14-12-06, 15:10
Aw bless you. See, you've managed to tell us something about yourself. You must feel loads better getting it off your chest. This is a place of respite, where you can concentrate on your issues and get advice from those who know.

You will get there Airwolf. This time of year doesn't help I don't think. When I go to work in a morning it's dark, when I come home at night it's dark and it really dampens my spirits at times, especially when the kids can't play out, so I'm like you, TV on in one room, DVD in another, music in another, friends of all ages and sizes running in and out.

Give me a quiet room any day lol!!

Les, xx

14-12-06, 15:14
yeah this time of yr dont help as its almost a yr to ,well will be on the 23/12 when this all started
thanks guys

14-12-06, 15:19

I can relate to what you say about finding some peace and quiet. It is important to have your safe haven, even though you might not enjoy it all the time.

I often find things that make me feel good, don't work sometimes and that is done to me and not them. There is a song called "57 channels and nothing on. " that sums that feeling up I think!!


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

Ma Larkin
14-12-06, 15:25
Is 23/12 significant Airwolf? Do you have a reasoning behind your anxiety? I wish I did! I did have a reason at the time I first started having PA's, but I don't now & this is what really frustrates and annoys me.

The PA's really floor me for a couple of days before I start feeling myself again, yet the anxiety is always there lurking.

14-12-06, 16:23
(((((((((((((((BIG HUG STEVE))))))))))))))))))

Ellen XX

14-12-06, 16:40
Hi Stephen

I've PMd you.


14-12-06, 21:32
I'm sending you a huge hug from Scotland.
I know how you feel - I'm living with my mother and my daughter in my mum's 1bed flat right now (long story). Sometimes getting the place to myself is unbelievable bliss!
Hold on in there, you can do this!
Anna xxx

14-12-06, 21:49
steve m8
i was just like you a few months ago totally ****ed ive had 3 mental breakdowns in my life ive been terrified of dying panicked for england cried like like a baby for what, i dont know this awfull **** why it hits us who knows, but one thing is for sure it will never never beat us you better believe it buddy, thats what keeps me going m8 pure self belief im gona beat this thing for sure, and im sure you will to m8 dont ever ever give up my friend no matter how bad it might seem , we will win just watch.
smash down the walls Mick

14-12-06, 21:55
Hi Airwolf
You take care hope youre feeling better. Big hugs to you.
Love Annexx