View Full Version : Hello from London!

24-06-14, 04:08
Hi everyone, I've been looking for a 'community' join for a while now, which can be friendly as well as informative, and it seems that No More Panic fits the bill (hopefully!).

I'm in my early 30s and have been officially diagnosed with depression & anxiety for around a year now, although I think I was probably suffering in some degree or another for the past decade or so.

I'm really struggling of late and the condition has affected my 'normal' life to such a degree that I am unable to cope with the smallest of things. One major issue that has become extremely bad within the past year, is the physical symptoms of illness that I get regularly (random aches and pains, nausea, coughing, sweating, palpitations, dizziness etc.) - in particular when in public situations - i.e. travelling on a busy train... in a meeting at work... at a meal with friends etc. I'm currently unable to stop myself from slowly becoming a recluse and find even the thought of going out to do something as mundane as shopping, a huge ordeal and very stressful.

Anyway, enough of that... On a more positive note, I'm really looking forwards to getting involved in some discussions here, learning a bit more about the conditions and the other members of the site, as well as hopefully improving my own mental wellbeing.

Thanks in advance for any time you take in reading my introduction!

Cheers! :)

24-06-14, 04:18
Hello, anxietydj. Welcome to the site :D I hope you find it as helpful and resourceful as I have :)

24-06-14, 19:27
Hello and :welcome:

I also have anxiety and find going out in public very hard as it makes me feel physically sick. This site is great though and you will get a lot of support and good advice from lovely people. :)

24-06-14, 22:03
Hello and :welcome:

I also have anxiety and find going out in public very hard as it makes me feel physically sick. This site is great though and you will get a lot of support and good advice from lovely people. :)

That's great to hear - thanks for the reply :D