View Full Version : Anxiety so bad I can't eat?

24-06-14, 07:15
Hey everyone, I'm new here.

I have really bad anxiety. I'm on Zoloft 25mg. I've been on that for a year now. I used to be on Zoloft 50mg but it was sending my thyroid all out of wack, in addition to causing personality changes. Plus I was building a tolerance to it, it wasn't helping as much. It had been about 3-4 years. I would start fights with friends and think it was funny until I pushed them away. When I get upset, I would sometimes stand there and scream at the top of my lungs. Also, my doctor claimed the Zoloft was having no effect on my thyroid. One month on the 25mg and the blood result values were cut in half. About a year on it and they were completely normal. In addition, it's too much of an amount for my thin body. One time I tried to change the time I was taking it from 11 to 10:30. I had diarrhea. Same thing the next day. Diarrhea. Then the next day I took it at 11 as normal. No diarrhea. I had been on it several years at this point so it wasn't a side effect or anything. I don't EVER wanna go on the 50mg again but yet my doctor was forcing 75mg down my throat along with some Xanax.

Anyway, when I went down a year ago, I had really bad withdrawal. And I lost a lot of weight. I used to be 120-125 and I went down to 112. I didn't look as good but I didn't look underweight or really bad. The anxiety at this time was controlled because I was living in an apartment at school and I had to walk 15 minutes to campus (often running late) and 15 minutes back. I was riding in other people's cars, even a stranger's car. This guy who lived at my apartment complex. Bad idea, I know but I had a test that day and I would have missed it. I would go to bed late (4-5am, I've been on this schedule for too long) and wake up at 9:30am to quickly eat breakfast and walk to class. I ate lunch on campus, bought a snack to take with me, and ate it when I got back. I took about a 2 hour nap and then had dinner. I didn't have roommates either. I was very relaxed. Classes were every day so I never slept all day.

Next semester (January-May) I commuted from home (45 mins) and I had severe anxiety. I would feel like I needed to run out of class. I never did but it was so incredibly hard to stay calm. And some people would pick up on it and stare. I only took 2 classes, a 9:00am and a 3:00pm but the majority of the time the 9:00am was cancelled and when it wasn't, I usually came home to sleep and would come back. Classes were 3 days a week and on days that I didn't have class (T,R,S,S) I would sleep all day. Wake up at 4 and eat breakfast and have dinner a couple hours later. Basically have 2 meals a day. I went from 112 to 105. I looked awful. Very emaciated.

The summer has been a struggle since I have no friends and don't get to socialize with anyone my own age. I go to bed around 5 and sleep all day most days. I even go back for an extra nap after waking up somewhere between 1-4. For about 3 weeks, I forced myself to eat 3 meals even if I slept late and had to eat breakfast at 4, lunch at 6:30, and dinner at 10. I went up to 110, gained 5 pounds. I looked SOOOO much better.

But for about a week now, I have been extremely anxious. All my hard work is gone. I'm about 107 now. I'm barely eating anything. I've completely lost my appetite. Food just doesn't sound good to me, except fruit, bread, and pasta. It started around the time I got a refill on my prescription (which I'm always anxious about). It's a 50mg pill but I break it in half. It says the same writing on both sides, same color, everything. But I'm still rethinking it. I can barely eat and I'm worried I'm going to end up in the hospital or something from barely eating. Here's what I had today compared with a week ago before all this happened.


2 pieces of plain toast


Chicken noodle soup without the chicken

A little bit of a baked potato with some cheese and butter (not a lot)
A little bit of orange juice

And I'm going to be having some strawberries in about an hour or so.

Diet from a week ago:

2 eggos with butter and syrup
Honey Nut Cheerios plain, no milk but a bowl full
A banana
Orange juice

Pasta lean cuisine
About 25 cashews

Half a Rice Krispie's Treat (would have had a full one, I think it had a spot on it)

Piece of garlic toast
Bowl of strawberries and an apple

As you can see, it's quite a difference. I don't feel like eating. It just doesn't sound appetizing to me. Maybe cause I feel nauseous and my stomach is in knots. But I already have a fear of food cause I'm scared of throwing up and my fear of food has gotten way worse obviously. I'm not sure what to do. I want to exercise but I can't exercise with a poor diet, I'll pass out. Any suggestions? I can't take this anxiety anymore :'(

I'm not going back up to 50mg and I'm definitely not trying another medication. I'm not taking any more of these. I don't like the side effects. I'm not going to keep on until I find one that works for me. I don't want it. I was SO happy and more like myself when I went down to the 25mg. I'm not losing that again.

---------- Post added at 23:59 ---------- Previous post was at 23:43 ----------

I know this is going to sound weird but if the medicine is the same color and has the same writing on both sides as it normally does, it's not possible that it could be a placebo or another medication is it? I can't explain it but I just don't feel as calm as I normally do. Even right after I take it. I still don't feel very calm. And my stomach/butt area feels upset. Kinda similar to when I had withdrawals from the 50mg.

---------- Post added at 02:15 ---------- Previous post was at 00:59 ----------

And another thing it is also taking me forever to eat and I'm having to nibble and take little bites. Whereas before I was eating at normal speed. I was also having hotdogs, sandwiches, tacos, heavy portions, etc. Is it possible the medicine had been sitting in the pharmacy a while and expired? Or maybe the manufacturer accidentally left out an ingredient or something?

Because shortly after I take it, there's a calmness that comes over me and I'm calm throughout the day. I'm just not feeling it. Even right after I take it, I still can't really eat.

24-06-14, 12:42
Well does the prescrition your doctor gave you have the same writing on that it used to when things were going well ?

If so the next doubt lies at the chemist. You say the pill looks different but they can do. This happens to everyone. As long as its got the actual active ingredient it doesnt matter. The box says it contains the active ingredient youre looking for ?

Placebo - doctor wouldnt just give you a placebo. It would be the same as suddenly stopping your medication which would be dangerous and irresponsible.

Your doubt about the condition of your medication. You could go back to your doctor and tell him youve misplaced your meds and need a new prescription. Then go and get the prescription from a different chemist. Hopefully the new chemist will also give you the pills you recognise too.

You could just be worrying/doubting your meds since picking up these different pills.
I think doubting your meds can have a big impact. Sometimes what you expect from these pills is as significant as the pill.
So if you have big doubts theyre even working this will definitely reframe the whole experience in a negative light id have thought.

Cant you consume drinks if youre finding it hard to eat solids ?
Sounds like a protein shake would be quick, easy and great for building that body tissue back up. Theyre just milkshakes. Chocolate, strawberry etc. Your diet is predominantly carbs with what looks like zero protein anymore and only a tiny bit of (bad) fat in margarine.

I keep saying it but i seem to be the only one interested in doing this, but using a blender to make vege smoothies is great and a good way to get all those nutrients from veges.
They just end up like soup drinks.
Drinking your calories like this might be a way for you to get some nutrition/calories into your system even when you dont feel like.
You can add things like ground chia seeds which are packed with everything from omega 3 to calcium.

(read through again)
So you were on zoloft 50mg for 3/4 years and were building up a tolerance and then have spent the last year on 25mg ?
It might just not be working anymore.
I was on prozac for four years and my doc would ask me to come off at the end of each course. I kept saying no. She explained to me that she didnt mind me being on it she just didnt want it to lose its effectiveness. She said to come off for just a few months in between courses then go back on again so your body has to re-adapt and it retains its effectiveness.
After 4 years it just stopped working.