View Full Version : Having a really off week!

24-06-14, 09:12
So three years ago I took the plunge and had some CBT following almost ten years of anxiety and depression issues. It changed my life but I still have some off days (don't we all) but this week it seems my off days are turning into more than my good!

I've a lot going on at the moment, issues with my husband's kids and his ex, i'm part of my local resident's group and i'm trying to work really hard to get projects moving but people who are supposed to be on the "team" aren't playing ball and work is really busy.

Things are kinda getting on top of me and it doesn't feel like anyone is listening. Hubby just tells me I care too much and I'm overreacting which isn't helpful. I'm trying to do my best for everyone and it feels as though it's getting thrown back in my face at every point.

I'm starting to feel anxious again and wanting to reach for the Kalms....When I feel like this I usually take a day off to regroup my thoughts and get back on track but that isn't an option with my work commitments right now.

Any words of advice?

24-06-14, 12:43
I'm sorry you have so much on your plate right now. Is there an end in sight you can look forward to? As in, "in two weeks this project will be done and I can have a little more time back" for example?

You are a strong person and you've clearly come through a lot - you can make it through this too! Maybe you can't take a day off, but you should certainly take a few hours for your self, maybe a couple of times a week. Go on a walk, or go shopping, or treat yourself to a great dinner. It seems like little things but if you refuse to think about your stresses in that time frame and do something you love, it can make you feel a lot better.

I hope you get some stress relief soon! Good luck!

25-06-14, 17:55
Maybe this is the wrong advice and at the moment I'm going through some elevated anxiety myself, but here it goes. In situations like this I do two things, first I take a few moments to breathe and meditate. Then, I jump in head deep into the work.

Like I said, it may not be the best advise but on occasion it works for me. At the moment my elevated anxiety is from being broke and scraping change together to eat. Needless to say, the anxiety still arises even under the meds I take. Then on top of everything else, I have finals this week for school which include, two projects to complete and take two final exams. I have six days to finish these tasks, so instead of prolonging the agony, I plan to tackle one or two assignment a day until I'm finished. That's what I mean by jumping head deep.

I've done this before so I'm sure I'll be fine. I believe by diving head long into something it helps me with the stress by making me too busy to think about it. Does it work all the time, no. But it's the best my broke behind can offer. I hope this helps or at lest having someone who understands your anxiety does.

Don't worry too much for me, next week is payday around here!:yahoo:

25-06-14, 23:37
Actually I would agree with your hubby and say yes you are caring too much. Having similar problems in the family department I need to step back and let others ie grown up kids, sort it out for themselves. We need to take care of ourselves first. Stuff it, you can only do so much.