View Full Version : Helplines

24-06-14, 16:26
I've only recently been properly "diagnosed" with anxiety, and to be honest it's just made it worse this weekend. It's really bad timing for me as am on my own in the house this week, and I really want to be able to talk to someone about all my fears. (This forum is great but i find it difficult to write it all out).

Has anyone used any anxiety helpline in the UK? I'm not sure whether all of them are there to give immediate advice/just talk or would they just signpost me to other places to look for help? I'm already waiting for various doctors appointments as well as waiting for bf to get back home, I don't know if I can handle much more waiting for stuff to happen at the mo

24-06-14, 17:50
The only one I have used is No Panic - try them

24-06-14, 20:21
Thank you. I will try them. I wasn't sure if the Mind line was a support line or just info.

24-06-14, 20:49
There are many helplines but it depends on what you'd like. Samaritans are good if you need to talk, Mind have a helpline but not 100% sure on what they can offer, but their website is fantastic for information, as well as this site and Rethink. NHS Direct have a helpline but I imagine this would be on troublesome health, and service inquires.

26-06-14, 13:34
I have called MIND and they set up a referral for me to undertake 6 weeks counselling. The service was free but they suggested that if you wanted to, you could give a donation at the end of the sessions (each session costs £10-12) However, the counsellor I had was a 2nd year trainee and she was very textbook and not really able to delve deeply and help me. She also hugged me when I cried and I wasn't sure whether it made me feel better or worse. I wasn't sure if I was in the hands of a temporary friend or a professional. She was not trained enough to make me feel helped. The hug and friendly approach would have maybe been more useful to me if it was not destined to be a 6 week, 6 hour friendship!

Samaritans are great. No magic wand and sometimes they can only listen as they don't have the expertise or freedom to know exactly what to say or direct you, but they're empathic and great to offload to and calm down in your own time. Personally I can find them a little morose in their deadpan response but that's not their fault.

Rethink are good for listening and then they will signpost you to more specific support. I know, as I used to work for the helpline myself and I know a lot of people left the call in a much better state than they were in when they rang in! I was able to be lighthearted with callers if we discovered that humour helped them to calm down. Calls tend to be wrapped up after about an hour though.

The mental health team have a direct number to a service. However, I was only given this number after I had visited A&E in crisis. It has been really helpful to just talk to people specifically and highly trained in acute mental health distress. Unlike the Samaritans, they always know what to say back to you and have lots of suggestions to help you through short and long term. As I work in mental health, It's difficult for me to sometimes feel understood or helped myself, but these guys always seem to take charge and put me under wing and seem to find knowledge and assistance for me that makes me feel I can be a patient and be helped with my own issues.

Hope one of these can help you at some point..