View Full Version : Just came back from the docs and decided to consult doctor google instead

24-06-14, 16:38
Just came back from the doctors and I've been diagnosed with a UTI had plenty before, also suffer from IBS-D and I've just recently had a flare up of pompholyx (hand eczema that causes blisters) stupidly decided to type all these things into google when I got home and apparently like every other symptom it can be related to HIV, those three letters petrify me and cause my health anxiety to rocket anyone got any sane words of advice?

Catherine S
24-06-14, 16:48
Ask your doctor for a blood test to test for HIV?


24-06-14, 17:39
Yes that's all been done, I'm more looking for reassurance that I'm not alone when it comes to HA really causing you issues when you are actually affected by an infection, I know in my head my thoughts are irrational and I've probably given my immune system a right beating over the past few years but sometimes like now the HA still manages to take over and make me feel isolated and insane, HA and actual little illnesses and infections are a horrible cycle

24-06-14, 18:20
Some obvious advice...Don't Google! :D

You say you know logically it can't be what Dr Google said and obviously just one look at the boards lets you know you're not alone so....

Positive thoughts

24-06-14, 18:34
Well if you've been tested for HIV and i'm assuming you got the all clear, then just let it go. There is no need to google. I understand, however. HA makes me do and think all sorts of silly things so you are not alone. Take care x