View Full Version : MS and brain scan worries

24-06-14, 19:07
I have the fear of MS. I saw a consultant about ten years ago for the same thing. Had a MRI. This time my symptoms got worse. Tingling ring finger for about a month and now it has spread to a big toe and sporadically all digits. Along with unimaginable stiffness that comes for 4 days or so and goes away. Sharp sore throat. I saw a neurologist 2 weeks ago and she has ordered for me to have a MRI but she was so blasé about symptoms that she said that I don't need to see her for four months (that will be in October) and as they receptionist was arranging my appt. She said if anything comes up (her words) we will see sooner as she walked away. Not to me but as she walked away. My health meant nothing to her. The possibility that I would be anxious didn't dawn on her at all.

I now have my date for MRI. Strangely enough I am not nervous about that I extremely nervous about the day after, the call I might get. Very worried that I have made Last Wishes letter. The dreaded BT (I won't say it so I don't claim it) has hovered my head. After googling.

I know 2 women with MS. Both are now immobile and have to have constant 24 hour help. One of them had health issues and after years and years of telling doctors and consultants that there was something wrong and years of being ignored they admitted she has primary and progressive MS. She was also told that because she was born South of the equator and of African descent the chances of her having MS was remote.

I understand that consultants/specialists and doctors are human, make mistakes but I am scared and I do believe, actually know that my symptoms are real. They are painful, they are frightening.

The future of the thought of this disease, incurable and debilitating isn't what anyone would want. But to me it is a real.