View Full Version : EFT, does it just reinforce and C4 programme...

14-12-06, 16:25
Hi all, hope people are ok today,

3 things to discuss today- First I've been told to try EFT- Emotional Freedom Therapy by my hypnotherapist, and am finding it quite effective so if you haven't tried it go to google a type in EFT Manual and you can dowload it for free from the inventor's site (it's really long so I just printed from the 'Basic Recipe' section to the 'EFT on a page'- about 12 pages). It's all about tapping on meridian points- sounds a bit wacky but worth a shot eh?!

Secondly I wanted to ask what people thought about my last experience of a PA. Was in post office with mum and panicked- wobbly legs, de-realisation etc. So had to wait for the woman to price up the parcels and pay and then got out of there. On the walk home I thought to myself surely going to places that you find hard and panicking just reinforces any beliefs that these places are scary and you will panic. I know I should have stayed in the post office until the panic subsided but that's much easier said than done, and the feeling of unreality (is that a word?!) makes it almost impossible for me.

Third- has anyone seen the adverts for the channel 4 programme- 'The House of Agoraphobics? It's a man trying to cure 3 severe PA suffers- looks painful to watch but might be useful- Tuesday at 10pm I think.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Lucy x

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.
-Marianne Williamson

14-12-06, 17:02
Hi there

Can you give details of the exact website - I can't find the one you describe.



14-12-06, 17:11
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi there

Can you give details of the exact website - I can't find the one you describe.



<div align="right">Originally posted by sandie - 14 December 2006 : 17:02:27</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Sandie

Here is the link:-



14-12-06, 17:52
I think this is a similar technique to that used by Paul McKenna on his Sky 1 show "I can Change your Life" - he used it for people with phobia, panic attacks, even weight problems. I thought it was developed by a doctor to help soldiers with post traumatic stress syndrome (the doc had a French sounding name). The info I have found calls it Thought Field Therapy, but it seems similar. I used this info on how to tap from this site:


I found doing it quite helpful. I think I read that it is to do with the brain have a left and right side which control different functions. By tapping on one side you distract the other side of your brain which is controlling the anxiety. I found it worked in calming me down when I felt anxious - though it may well just be because you are distracted, in the way that some sufferers say singing aloud helps. Its worth a try.