View Full Version : panic attacks lasting days!! please help

24-06-14, 22:41
hi!! I'm new here :-) I was wondering if anyone knows whats up with me. I've been taking Prozac since October of 2013 recently my doctor changed my dosage from 15mg to 20mg after I started 20mg id have severe anxiety, depression, id feel shaky and just about any anxiety symptom you can think of honestly. I told my doctor and he then put my dosage down to 10mg, since the dosage was changed the severe anxiety has started to wear off. it's somewhat still lingering and I just don't feel like myself and its making me quite sad, but I wont say that I don't feel better I feel almost 100 times better! but does anyone know this feeling? is there anything I can do to get rid of it? how long will it last?

UPDATE: it's been two weeks now since I was having those symptoms, I started to feel like my self for awhile, two days into my period started I was completely fine! (weird) so after my period stopped I've started becoming somewhat anxious again. Not full blown panic attacks but scared and always on edge. I've also been depressed? What could this be? And the craziest thing is at night I feel Normal. Someone please help! This anxiety has later for days now and I hate it!

25-06-14, 15:48
Hi Chanelvoyage! Let me first say that I'm not a medical professional, so I don't know nuthin' about nuthin'. However, I suffer from OCD, General Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks. What you are going through sounds very similar to what I was going through some years ago. It's not fun. I was certain I was going to die every moment of every day. Even I wasn't in the grips of a panic attack, I spent all of my time fretting over various feedback from my body...certain that a heart attack was imminent. Often I would have to endure "rolling panic attacks". Panic attack followed by panic attack. Physically and mentally exhausting.
My situation has improved. One of the huge parts of that improvement was a change in my medication. I've never been on prozac but I was on citalopram which is also classed as an SSRI antidepressant. My medication was actually increased from 20mg/day to 40mg/day. The practitioner said that lower doses of SSRI's are better for treating depression and higher are more effective for anxiety sufferers.
Just me running my soup cooler. No idea if this is the sort of thing that might help you but there ya go.