View Full Version : These weird feet and leg feelings...

14-12-06, 16:30
I'm getting better at recovering from panic and stuff, basically I'm learning how to climb my way back up to normality after a panic (which is annoying as it can take a while after a big mental panic attacK), and I've noticed a symptom that I never really considered before - this tingling in the feet.
For a long time I was scared at every single symptom and thought since anxiety and wondered if it was more than anxiety, but I'm gradually learning to accept them as nothing more than symptoms of anxiety and therefore nothing really to worry about.
As I relax more, I notice this feeling in my feet and legs more and more. My initial Irrational reaction was `my feet are becoming possesed`. Funny-ish I know, but as many of us know, it is hard to dismiss irrational thoughts after a panic. Now, instead of flinching when I feel this feet tingling sensation (to make sure I still have control of them!! :D), I realise that it's a normal feeling, infact one I've had many times before even pre-panic attack. I guess what I'm trying to say by way of help to others is that fighting anxiety and all the symptoms only helps to prolong it. Accepting that it's just anxiety and you're gonna have some weird symptoms from time to time, makes things a little easier.

14-12-06, 20:02
I'm so happy for you that you're learning to cope with this. Exactly the same thing has been happening to me - I've been trying to relax into the panic instead of fighting it and it makes such a huge difference. It might sound daft, but when I get that feeling coming over me, I imagine the panic as a person and I say to it "Hi, thanks for coming, I don't really need you right now, so if you want to just take a seat, I'll shout you if I'm ever getting chased by a wooly mammoth." I know, it's stupid, but it does the trick.
Like you, I've started to notice more tingly feelings - I think it's because I've stopped being so consumed by trying to stay sane. These feelings were probably there all along, i was just too busy thinking I was going crazy to notice them!
Anna xxx

15-12-06, 00:14
I have this feeling every couple of days..My feet tingle or they feel like electricity flowing through them or like picking up a water hose and feeling the water run through it.I keep thinking most of what we all are feeling here we have always felt..Our minds are scanning our bodies for any sensations .i keep having feelings and sensations that I seem to remember at times when I didn't have anxiety and think that they are pretty normal.I know how you feel though.Its scarry because we magnify them alot in our minds..any other time we would just say ..oh thats weird and then go on..I keep trying to tell myself that and have had nurses and doctors tell me the same but putting it into practice is a little different isnt it? lol well Hope this helps..I also get weird vibrations in the chest .kind of the same feelings and arms and head and different places so guess you are normal cause im suppose to be..take care


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

15-12-06, 09:46
When I was really bad, it always used to start from my feet and work it's way up my body right to the top of my head - 'orribble! Used to wake in the night with tingly feet and lie there consumed with fear knowing that in a few seconds my body would feel as thought it were on fire but cold, with tremors washing over me like waves. I wanted to literally 'jump out of my skin'.But now, when I feel the tingly feet it stops at my knees and thighs and I'm sure it's because I now know what it is! Knowledge is power and I now have power over this when it tries to happen again, thank God and everyone on NMP!

Take care

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

15-12-06, 15:35
Aye. Now I've got a very weird numb feeling in my face, whole face is numb and tingling, also like my eyes are playing up a bit. It's so hard not to be scared by it, it's like I'm expecting to see something horrible or something (because my eyes are being weird).
I know the only way to get through it is by going with it, accepting it as a symptom, and then remembering that for the future. It's scary though.