View Full Version : Random dizziness

25-06-14, 00:42
Hi all. I am new to this forum but not to panic and GA. I have suffered panic attacks since I was about 20, getting them really badly just after my twins were born 20 years ago. I initially had all the tests so many of us go through to come back negative. To cut a long story short about 12 years ago I was put into Seroxat that really helped. Low dose. I can't remember how I was transferred onto Venlafaxine and have been taking 75 mg for the last 7 years. A visit to a psychologist told me to carry on taking the drugs! Really useful.

So I have learned in the main, with the help of my happy pills, to manage my panic attacks. I can more or less make them go away with a bit of distraction but they are still horrendous at times. I try not to make them stop me doing anything.

In addition I think I have GA as I jump at things more easily than other people seem to. I've had CBT, read every book, distract myself, try and exercise etc etc.

However I just wondered if anyone else suffers my latest health concern!! I can be absolutely fine when I get an instant, momentary dizzy spell then it goes. It isn't a full blown dizziness it is more like a sudden pressure in my forehead and temples that makes me feel really drunk and disorientated for half a second and then it goes. I can feel it when I lie down in bed with my eyes closed. I don't appear to have any other symptom but it feels dizzy in my forehead if that makes sense?! I also feel really unbalanced walking at the moment. As if I am on a boat a bit. But I'm not having a panic attack so why is this? Is it GA?

I don't know if it is postural a s I know I tense my neck and shoulders a lot. However I keep jerking awake just when trying to sleep as I can feel these dizzy bursts in my head.

So I am not panicking but actually relatively calm, for me, wondering if this is something I should concern my GP with or is this yet another version of panic and general anxiety?

I tend to put all aches, pains and feeling rubbish down to GA etc but need to get this specific healthy concern behind me so I can distract my mind and ignore it! But I can't for worrying it is my heart / Venlafaxine long term damage Inhave caused myself.

Does anyone else get these random dizzy episodes that don't seem related to full blown panics? It's like I have been on a roundabout but at the end of feeling better after spinning!

It's odd.

So sorry to ask. I feel silly but this flipping affliction takes over your life and there is no-one I can really talk with about it.

Thank you for your time!



25-06-14, 17:45
I get these too, I'm also curious to see if anyone else has these. I tense my neck muscles, just like you, as well as my ahoukders,. Its a weird sort of instant drunk feeling. Almost like your hyperventilating but the only symptoms is the one you can feel in your head.

I haven't had any brain scans done, I'm assuming its just anxiety because often when I get this I test myself by closing my eyes and standing on one foot, or talking to make sure my speech is fine. Its incredibly frightening though. Mine sometimes comes with jelly legs. I've also had anxiety for the past ten years, this new dizzyness started about a year ago.