View Full Version : here we go again but more to lose

25-06-14, 08:25
Hi everyone,ive been suffering with anxiety/panic for 8 years and had various meds/councelling in the past. Whilst pregnant i weened myself off citalopram and ive been med free for 1 year. However, last few month been awful+got to point im terrified of everything. Lost over a stone in weight, cant eat/sleep/concentrate and feel im letting my 1 year old down. Went to docs+been back on citalopram 10mg 5 days ago but feel worse! I am counting the minutes down for the day/night to pass but dont want to feel like this.
Would love to chat to some like minded people who.may help. Thanks.

25-06-14, 10:03
Hello... Sorry to hear that you're not doing great at the moment... Hopefully being here and sharing your thoughts and feelings will help... I've already benefitted from the forums and I've only been a member for a few days! :)

Good luck and keep us updated :hugs:

25-06-14, 10:41
Thanks for the support and glad u have benefitted already...lets beat this!

25-06-14, 15:17
Welcome to NMP!:)

25-06-14, 15:29
Thankyou april. Managed to get out the house, got near the park then felt panicly so came back for the car. Safety net. Bit disappointed i didnt quite make it walking but made it driving so at least my daughter got a swing.nice to hear from people

25-06-14, 16:25
Don't be disappointed, praise yourself for getting there :) Hopefully the medication will kick in in a few weeks and you will start to feel better. Don't beat yourself up though...praise yourself for doing the things you can and don't worry about what you can't. You will get there.

25-06-14, 18:32
Thankyou annie0904 that means alot. I get so frustrated with myself for feeling like this so i will try and take your advice.....roll on the meds kicking in! Weeks seem like a lifetime at the minute. Hope you are doing ok.

25-06-14, 18:48
I am doing really well at the moment, just have to keep positive :) Little blips come and go but that's all they are 'blips' :)

25-06-14, 22:34
I like the way you talk annie and hopefully soon i can comfortably see 'blips' and will be able to acknowledge them and move on...got to keep searching for light

25-06-14, 22:36
There is always light at the end of the tunnel :)

26-06-14, 00:29
Welcome sunshine84
This site is amazing for support and information, think I would have driven my family/friends crazy without it.
Well done for getting to the park today, look forward to seeing more posts from you to see how your improving. :hugs:

26-06-14, 07:16
Thanks booboojenny, not doing too well at the moment. Been wwake all night+waiting for docs to open. Cant do this anymore. Will keep u updated.

26-06-14, 11:52
Hi Sunshine, I am sorry you had such a bad night. I hope you have managed to get to see your doctor? Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

26-06-14, 12:42
Thanks annie. Im going to doctors at 4pm. Rang work and they are understanding. My mums got my daughter so ive been trying to rest this morning. Going to try and eat something as i feel sick. Hopefully these feelings will subside sooner rather than later then i can build myself back up to doing normsl things again. Thanks for message, was so scared in the night it was awful. Ur hugs appreciated x