View Full Version : blood in poop

25-06-14, 08:54
has anyone had blood in their poop and can give any reassurance - I am due to see specialist today and worried sick, also scared I am going to have a panic attack while there so any reassurance would really help.

25-06-14, 09:02
there are so many reasons why you could have this problem, the one i imagine you are worried about is cancer but its such low odds of being that. More than half of the time there is no medical explanation.

25-06-14, 09:24
yes Dave that is what I am really scared about.

Do you have any medical experience, what else could it be?

thank you

25-06-14, 09:48
I have no medical experience. This website lists at least eleven possible reasons.


25-06-14, 10:13
Yes it's happened to me once or twice. Red doesn't necessarily equate to blood! :)

25-06-14, 12:56
I wish it wasn't blood but I can see it is, have had the beetroot and red pepper scare before, shall look at the eleven reasons thank you. I have never looked at poo regularly but speaking to a couple of people they say they always do so something worth doing. I am grateful to everyone and anyone who has replied or can say they have had anything like this and what it was.

25-06-14, 13:51
Ive had that and it was due to a small tear right at the end of the line there. Happens once in a great while and I dont worry. Usually happens after ive been constipated. Blood in stool is not normal but its not usually from cancer. Ive been thru enough poo scares to know. Im sure youll be ok

25-06-14, 15:20
thanks there, it helps to know what other people have experienced, I am still so scared and have to leave for the appointment in 2 and half hours - can't concentrate on anything today.
sorry to hear you have had blood in poo issues too though - is it always piles? makes me feel happy when you say blood in poo is not a cancer issue. Do you get blood in poo from ibs as having anxiety that is a thought it could be?

25-06-14, 15:53
If IBS causes constipation, then yes. :)

25-06-14, 16:30
If it is bright red blood then it is most likely piles or an anal fissure.

25-06-14, 20:45
Ibs can cause it due to the constipation issues etc... doc told me that

26-07-14, 19:57
Thank you for all the support you have given, this has been a rotten five weeks. I thought I should let you know that I had the colonoscopy which thankfully was clear, also the ct scan was clear, the mri showed thickening of the bowel lining and I had a biopsy on that 8 days ago under general anaesthetic, I was told the results would be about a week and then there would be a multi discipline meeting at the hospital where they would make some decisions and see me on Monday next week, so am very nervous now, but all good news so far! In my head I am worrying even more as the Macmillan nurse said she would update me if there was any good news which she did after the colonoscopy and ct but not the mri and I also haven't heard from her about the biopsy results so am assuming they are not good! anyway that is it so far

26-07-14, 21:12
Hi mimie, sorry might be a silly question but how did it all start, has there been lots of blood and is it bright red? Its good they are being so thorough with the testing, and it could be that the nurse just hasn't had a chance to get in touch.

Most blood issues down there are due to fissures/tears I think, keep us posted and sending hugs :hugs:

26-07-14, 21:59
Hi Crystal, it was bright red blood, yes I understand the nurse may have been busy, it is just a very stressful situation- the other time she called me after 7pm on a Friday evening.

26-07-14, 22:10
It is definitely stressful, I can imagine how you feel right now. Is it Monday in 2 days or the week after that they are seeing you? I would think that if something was really wrong they would've let you know pretty much straight away - 'no news is good news' etc.

Bright red blood is the better colour to have from what I'm told, I had a similar situation back in January, there was LOTS of blood for a week or so and I was terrified, went to Drs and hospital and they just told me it was piles. You're in my thoughts, here anytime you want to chat.

26-07-14, 22:17
The "No news is good news" line is true. When I was being tested for cancer and had a biopsy, they called me the day after and scheduled the appointment within a few days. Yes, I knew the news was bad and it was just a matter of how bad but they don't sit on bad results I assure you!

Positive thoughts

26-07-14, 22:17

I am sure that after 8 days they are aware of the results and if it was anything sinister you would have known.


26-07-14, 22:21
it is Monday in 2 days, thank goodness as this has been going on for 5 weeks. So glad to hear that yours was piles, did you have all these tests, my friend had similar and her gp gave her antibiotics and it cleared up. I had only a little bit of blood and also started wanting to go to the loo 2-3 times a day, when I had the sigmoidoscopy the consultant said he can feel a lesion. All I can do is hope and pray.

27-07-14, 04:39
I once had so much blood the water in my toilet turned dark red. I was freaking out. Dr sent me for colonoscopy. The cause was one small internal hemorrhoid.

02-08-14, 03:38
Mimie how are you? Have you heard any news?x

03-08-14, 15:12
oh yes, sorry I forgot to say, I do have a tumour but thankfully very early stages am going to have radiotherapy. Thank you everyone for your support

04-08-14, 02:05
Hi Mimi

Sorry to hear that. But glad it's caught early. Can I ask the reason th colonoscopy was clear? Was this the ulcer the doctor saw through a sigmoidoscopy?

06-08-14, 13:50
yes colonoscopy was clear because the growth is so low down and small, also in folds of tissue - mri much more effective and yes it was what was seen through sigmoidoscopy. Hope that helps
i am due to have 5 and half weeks radiotherapy and chemotherapy - monday to friday. Does anybody have any positive information on stage 1 anal cancer?
As you can imagine i am very worried so please no horror stories. Thank you

06-08-14, 15:29

I sent you a PM with a link to a very helpful and supportive site (I'm on the Head & Neck forum). Go sign up as there are people in the same situation and will be very supportive. Read up as much as you can on the treatment. The more you know and understand, the better you'll deal with things. You're going to become a Warrior so training is in order! ;)

Treatment is rough but doable and with the advances medicine has made, especially since this was caught so early, prognosis is excellent. Feel free to write me. While our diagnosis was different, I know what you're about to go through.

Positive thoughts

07-08-14, 21:28
hi there
The tests are tough and the treatment - I do feel like a warrior!
Yes have been on the website but no one seems to have anal cancer.
I just thought I would ask on this forum if anyone had or knew of anyone with it.
Best of luck with yours :D

07-08-14, 21:37
There's a forum dedicated to it. I sent you a link via pm.

My brother in law was stage IV colon cancer and is 10 years clean. I'm 15 months clean from stage IV head and neck cancer. If they can heal that kind of cancer, you'll get through just fine. Like I said, read as much as you can about the treatment, side effects etc. The better you're prepared for the battle, the better you'll be able to kick some @ss... literally! ;)

Positive thoughts

08-08-14, 14:03
Im sorry to hear that mimi. At least they caught it early. Wishing you the very best in your treatment x

09-08-14, 15:23

Been on the link now - they cancers all seem to be more advanced than me, which helps in itself as they are all doing so well too.

i am having the tumour scanned again then i start the 5 and half week radiotherapy and chemotherapy on 1st september-everyone seems very optimistic which helps a lot - i am sure that being positive MUST help to get better again. I will never ever get over the shock though i can see why people who have or have had cancer change their outlook on life-you cannot see that until you are there.

09-08-14, 15:47
I can tell you first hand that attitude is more than half the battle. As you visit the boards on the site I sent you, you'll see people in all stages and you'll see many that are doing well. Ask questions. You'll get more than your share of answers and encouragement.

It's very true, when we're faced with a life altering illness, our attitudes change. Also, I believe you'll find that your anxiety will take a back seat as you'll be focused totally on the beast and tasks at hand.

Positive thoughts

30-08-14, 12:28
mimie you sound so strong and positive, I am sure you will be fine and get through this. Get as much support as possible, talk through your feelings and look after yourself.

Thinking of you

01-09-14, 12:05

My mother had this kind of cancer (and before that, she actually had breast cancer as well).

It was found via randomized screening - thank god for that - and if I remember correctly the size was between a golf ball and a tennis ball, so definitely larger than Yours and more progressed since they saw it straight away in the examination inside the bowel. I don't remember what stage it was, but it was kind of aggressive because they hurried the surgery.

She was put on radio for two weeks before the actual operation to shrink the tumor. The operation was success and they got the tumor removed. This was about 7 years ago and she's doing fine (knocks wood). She will have last routine checkup for the cancer this year I think, but it has not shown up since. She wasn't put on chemo afterwards.

What I remember that the actual operation and the comeback was mostly pain free (radio gave her nausea) but my mother didn't like the ostomy she had to have for couple of months after the surgery. She actually joked that she found it really annoying to "learn how to poop again" after all the therapies were done :)

On top of that I know a person that has had three cancerous tumors there in the course of 20 years. All them removed and not spread and still doing fine too - this person actually jokes about not having an actual "anal" these days as there is basically nothing more to cut out. Last op was (if I remember correctly) years ago.

Best of luck for Your battle, I'm sure You'll be fine :)

01-09-14, 22:51
I have had this a few times and it caused me major worrying and so much stress. I was so scared to go to the toilet incase there was blood and always had to check if there was blood! I suffer with ibs and it caused me to have internal hemmoroids and i also had a tear sorry for tmi.. of course i didnt beileve the docs at the time and was convinced i had a serious illness. But since my ibs has calmed down a bit no more bleeding xx

02-09-14, 19:34
I have not looked on the forum for a while but looking here and seeing a replies I was so surprise especially from someone who actually knows a person that has had this and is ok, Jubnut I thank you for that information- it is such a rotten thing to have, mine apparently is very small. I am starting chemo and radiotherapy in the next few weeks - wish me luck, it is so hard to keep positive.

12-09-14, 14:34
Can I ask why if they found the cancer in June you are still waiting for treatment and also you say they couldn't see the cancer with colonoscopy but saw it with sygmoidoscopy, my consultant has told me that colonoscopy is more thorough and that three months is too long for treatments to start, just puzzled.

12-09-14, 15:58
I was going to ask how come they've left you 3mths before starting treatment what reason have they given for that because they normally start chemo within a month ? The colonoscopy goes further up than the sigmoidoscopy basically it's the same test with a longer tube did they give you a reason why it wasn't picked up on the colonoscopy ? I do hope they start your treatment soon are you having chemo first or radio ? God bless

12-09-14, 16:38
I was diagnosed Nov. 21st 2012. My actual treatment didn't start until March 13th 2013. I had two surgeries prior. So in reality, based on the timeline from diagnosis, it sounds to be reasonable and on schedule. If this were a case where the severity and spread were critical, the timeline would have been escalated.

Positive thoughts

13-09-14, 21:09
I agree the time line could be right if in between they have done surgery but in mimis case they have not unless I have missed something? infact my friends treatment started 21 days after diagnosis and he had an op to remove offending area.
Is it the same in US?

18-09-14, 16:04
Hi Mimie, have been thinking of you lots over the last couple months. So thankful it's been caught early! My neighbours friend had the same cancer, but it was stage 4 - however she's been cancer free for over 15 years now! Keep positive and I hope the treatments and op all go well - keep us updated! Xx

18-09-14, 16:41
Keeping you in my prayers!