View Full Version : might go hospital ?

25-06-14, 13:45
ok so woke up this morning and soon as i opened my eyes i had like a dizzy spell not sure how to explain it but it was horrible

like if you stand up to fats you get that dizzy spell thing well i dident move in bed and i got it now its making me panic and im now fully anxious and panicy might go hospital not sure anyoone else had this

25-06-14, 14:17
Why do you need to go to hospital? You can see your GP if you really need to.

Dizzy spells can be caused by any number of things that are not serious. Low blood pressure, dehydration, incorrect breathing etc

25-06-14, 14:21
I often feel dizzy when I first wake up, I just sit up in bed for a while until it goes off. It could just be because your blood sugar levels drop during the night.

25-06-14, 14:36
i allways think of hospital when i panic i cant help it i panic that bad i just gop

25-06-14, 15:01
Dehydration is a big one. In weather like this (because it so seldom comes along) I habitually sleep under the same duvet I do all year around. I wake up sweaty, and as a result have lost a good few pints of water.

Just ask Dr Google about dehydration symptoms if you don't believe me, he's actually good with that sort of stuff!

25-06-14, 15:09
Hospital is not the place to go though Terror - you need to learn coping techniques at home to stop the panic

25-06-14, 20:54
still no change still feel abit head dizzy and abit sick ive drank plenty of water since this post