View Full Version : Ouch-muscle pain I'm guessing

25-06-14, 16:05
I've been to the doctors a lot recently. They did a 24 hour tape etc. It showed about 160 eptopic beats but the doctor said that's nothing to worry about. I'm having an echo tomorrow so I'm hoping it's all fine with my heart, even though it can be difficult to convince yourself you're not going to die when they're happening haha!
However I've had on and off chest pain for the past 6 months too (what prompted me to see a doctor and I think fuelled the start of the palpitations)
Today it's been really bad for seemingly no reason what so ever (I don't do that much sport; cycling occasionally. a lot of walking).
I've taken a naproxen tablet which my doctor gave me and I'm hoping it's gonna get better but especially when I move the whole upper right and middle side of my chest, upper right back, and sometimes shoulder and neck really spasm in pain. But the front of the chest especially is so painful. Just reaching forwards and breathing in too deeply is making me wince.
It's also strangely on and off. So it suddenly lessons or gets worse or starts feeling painfully numb. It's really odd.

The doctors aren't really that much use atm, so has anyone had anything similar?
And if anyne knows the asnwer to even one of these questions I'll be forever grateful!
Is this normal growing pains? What on earth causes this and how long is it gonna take to go away?
Can I help it go other than naproxen?

25-06-14, 16:33
You can probably help it to go by relaxing (which I know is not always easy to do) Relax in a hot bath with some candles in the bathroom or just lie down with some relaxing music.