View Full Version : wouldn,t you just love to feel "normal"

14-12-06, 19:01
hi everyone
this morning when me and my husband woke up i asked him how he felt,he just shrugged his shoulders and said"well i feel normal"and i thought to myself "god when was the last time i woke up and felt"normal",i mean no shaking,no worrying,no dreading the day ahead,no feeling sick!!!!i just can,t imagine how it feels to just wake up and think about what we are going to have for tea that night,or what i,m going to wear!!!
can anyone relate to that,or am i just feeling sorry for myself right now
take care
rach x

14-12-06, 19:37
Yup, I can totally relate! I envy everyone who takes their 'normality' for granted!
BUT, all I can do is remind myself that there are people much worse off than me and count the blessings I do have.

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

14-12-06, 19:38
I TOTALLY relate to that feeling. I've only felt like this for 2 months - but I start each day longing for it to end so that I can come back to bed and do without the bit in the middle. If you had said 6 months ago that this could happen to me. I'd have thought you were crazy. Now its me who feels crazy. I went from one year to another without seeing the doctor and have been like that all my life (I'm 53), now I need a blasted season ticket.

I dread the phone ringing, I hate the doorbell (but thankfully it doesn't ring very often), I don't like going out to the shops - and haven't met up with friends for ages - I can settle socially and just want to get home.

I just have to believe that one day (soon) it will all be back to "normal".


14-12-06, 19:41
thanks for your replies and i do agree that there are sooo many people alot worse off than me,and i think it makes me feel guilty for feeling this way!
take care
rach x

14-12-06, 19:50
I too wish I could waken up and feel 'normal' but a different type of normal from my old 'normal' if you get my meaning?
I can totally relate to the not wanting to waken up feeling sick. I also worry about tea, as whilst I can eat food, I have a big problem thinking about it or preparing it etc. and Sandie, I sooo feel like you do, wanting the day to be over so I can get back to bed. I go to bed at 8-9pm. I occassionally have a 'late night' when I am up til 9.30!
You have a kindred spirit in me Rach!:D

14-12-06, 20:39


have not felt normal for years. Since I turned 40, anxiety has gone thru the roof.

Feels like my whole system has collapsed .

Is a constant battle to try to stay in some kind of equilibrium , drains the hell out of me


14-12-06, 20:54
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to feel/be normal.

...but hang on, what IS normal? Have you looked around lately? There are alot of strange people about...lol


14-12-06, 21:58
hi ceecee
yep thats me i wake up and think oh no here wego again doom gloom and misery thanks g.a,d but afer a while mr optimism creeps in to my life and things are better i have no answers ceecee only willpower that i will beat this in the end how long who knows, but beat it i will , take that belief on board and your on the right road m8
take care Mick

14-12-06, 22:52
Hi ceecee,


Take care,Candie xxx

14-12-06, 22:57
oh god thats me..however my therapist has banned me from using the word 'normal' as there is no such thing...she says all people have issues just different ones...

14-12-06, 23:06
This is so me. I say to myself everyday that I just want to feel 'normal' and enjoy life like others I see doing.

15-12-06, 00:10

I totaly agree, I have not felt normal for a good couple of years.

It would be nice, to be able to live a week like a normal person, just to see how wonderfull life is.


15-12-06, 07:42
I would define feeling "normal" as not waking up and panicking straightaway, not constantly analising how I feel and being able to go out without worrying about it.

If only.......

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

15-12-06, 13:41
thankyou all for your replies i,m so glad i,m not the only one!!!i just think with xmas coming up everyone is under so much pressure to try and be extra happy!!!
thanks again
take care
rach x

miss diagnosis
15-12-06, 19:54
i just want to be back to what i used to be like before my neice and dad died and i wasnt so ****ing frekaed out all the time

16-12-06, 13:04

17-12-06, 00:36
Oh yes Rach I so understand hun. Perhaps we should just shrug are shoulders and say I feel fine! If only it was that simple huh! Yes Christmas is definately an added stress!

Take care,

Love Pip's X X
