View Full Version : Aches

25-06-14, 21:31
What is there for them? I know the mental side of things - don't fight or fear it, let them be. But what about the medication side of things? Benzos work for 2 hours at best and only serve to dull and never eradicate a pain. Pain killers don't do anything. Alcohol numbs it completely but I can't rely on that.

So what else is there for an ache other than waiting it out or getting some temporary relief from a hot bath? Dr's do the 1-10 pain scale. Mine are every minute of every day and vary from 3-7. At the moment i've got severe shoulder pain.Tends to happen a few times a day and it's at times like these when things hurt their most that I wonder what the hell I can do for myself?


27-06-14, 09:53
I to ache all the time my back at the bottom is awful I get up life,e I been run o er by a bus in the night I be honest my body is tense all day long trying to hold myself together and not have a panic attack I have had them over forty years and the fight still goes on xxx