View Full Version : Going to see neurologist

25-06-14, 22:56
My chiropractor believes I have Occipital neuralgia - this would explain the awful headaches I've had for months. I'm scared - I know it's treatable but the treatment is pretty extreme, in alive or loads of experimenting with drugs. I see a neurologist in a month to get a definitive diagnosis, but in the meantime I have a physical therapy appointment set up to try to help with muscle pain in my upper back and neck, sacral cranial therapy, massages, and more chiropractic treatments (I live in a city that's abundant in alternative therapies). Moreover, I have some relaxation / mediation CDs to listen to at bedtime. I'm hoping that since this started during a period of ridiculously high stress, sorting out my muscles (my neck went into major spasm on Monday and I couldn't turn my neck at all. My neck hurt a lot prior to this but my son fell and bumped his head pretty hard and the panic from this caused my neck to stiffen within seconds, so I know stress is playing a role) will help free up the nerve. I figure since I have a months wait until the neurologist, I may as well do what I can while I wait. Unfortunately, just thinking I have ON makes me so anxious it's hard for me to relax.

Anyone here have any experience of ON they can share with me? Prognosis seems pretty poor.