View Full Version : I'm going to the dr in the morning

25-06-14, 23:36
I've been avoiding going to the dr about some symptoms I've been having on and off because I am scared, but I have made an appointment for the morning.

I know the symptoms aren't anxiety related, but they cause major anxiety when they come on (I'm perfectly fine and un-anxious in between)

For the past few years I've had spells on vertigo which come on when I lay down, I'd get an episode once or twice a year, if that, but I'm having them much more frequently now. I also get a numb feeling in the right side of my lips, part of my hand and sometimes my foot. Im not actually numb - just feels like I am. This will persist for a few weeks then disappear for a while. I am frightened of what it may be, but I need to know. When I have the vertigo attacks it is also when I lay on the right side.

I know I have HA (it began 8 years ago over this awful chest pain I started having that lasted months) I had treatment for the HA at the time, but haven't seen a dr about anything anxiety related in years.

I've done some googling (i know, I know!) and many of the symptoms are indicative of ms, so is the pattern of them. I'll mention this to the dr and see what he says, but I'll be totally honest, tell him everything and try to believe what he says!

Wish me luck!

I'm obviously hoping he comes out with a less scary explanation. I have a bad neck, lots of muscle tension and I clench my teeth 24/7 so I'm hoping all the odd symptoms can be attributed to something to do with muscles and such!

26-06-14, 00:02
Good luck for your appointment tomorrow. I hope that you can get to the bottom of why you get numb!

26-06-14, 00:03
I'm going to try and put your mind at rest. I think due to the nature of MS if you have it would have gotten a lot worse of overtime, hope that helps.