View Full Version : Seriously freaking out!!!!

26-06-14, 01:54
So I've had swollen lymph nodes under both armpits for awhile now. Today I finally worked up the courage to go see a doctor about it. Now I wish I never had! He seemed concerned that it wasn't a infection since its under both of my arms. He said it could be lymphoma, Hodgkin's, or TB. He's sending me for blood work which he says will rule those out. I am freaking out!! I'm so depressed now I just want to lay in my bed until this is all over! I keep staring at my kids wondering if I'm going to be leaving them. Please tell me there's someone out there that has had this same thing under both arms and that it turned out to be nothing??? Also will just blood work really rule all those out?

26-06-14, 02:30
I know how scary that is. Hopefully it will be nothing and yes, blood work will show red flags that would warrant further testing.

Did you take the antibiotic your doctor prescribed a few weeks ago?

Positive thoughts

26-06-14, 02:33
No I didn't because I read about the horrible life threatening disease it can give you so that's mainly why I went in tonight. To get a different one which I did get and plan on starting probably tomorrow.

26-06-14, 02:39
Does your doctor know you didn't take the first course of antibiotics? That would account for his concern. As posted in another thread today, it seems rather odd that a doctor would say that without further testing especially in light of your HA issues. He has to know you have anxiety. In a previous post about the nodes you said you had them for some time. How long before the beginning of June have they been there?

I'm asking this because cancer grows and usually pretty fast once it takes hold. I know this because I had it.

Regardless, I hope all turns out well and please take the meds as directed... no "probablys" Ok?

Positive thoughts

26-06-14, 03:49
Yes he knows I didn't take them. I lied and said I tried once but they made me sick to my stomach so I needed a new one. I have had them for probably going on about 3 months if not a little longer and they have not gotten any bigger or worse since they started. They are very painful at times which I've heard is actually a good sign? Im sorry to hear you've gone through that! Yes I know no probablys! I WILL take them tomorrow :)

26-06-14, 04:10
Well that's actually a good sign... three+ months and they haven't gotten worse is good. Painful is good.

Take those meds and I'm sure you'll feel better in a couple of weeks.

Positive thoughts