View Full Version : Crippling Headache

26-06-14, 03:50
I've just woken up to one of the most crippling headaches of my life. It's utterly intolerable and pretty terrifying. I've taken paracetomal and ibuprofen. But it's so intense I don't think it'll touch it.

I wonder if this is a side effect of coming off Remeron. I'm on my 5th day now. I wouldn't have expected this. Maybe I slept funny. I'm trying to rationalize it, but truth be told I can't ever recall having a headache this bad and to wake up with it was well. This really isn't fair.


26-06-14, 11:21
I'm sure this is a side effect from coming off the meds, I had similar situations coming off citalopram however I felt too panicky and ended up going back on it! Keep with it your doing great. If you keep getting these episodes go to your dr and let them know. They may have a way to deal with the withdrawal symptoms.
Take care