View Full Version : Anxiety and loss of interest in things you used to like

26-06-14, 09:23
Anybody else experience this? Before I got my job and still had pretty bad anxiety, I would still write as a catharsis (I write short stories a lot) but now I seem to have lost interest in doing it. I think I should, but I just don't feel the need or drive to do it like I used to have. I'm not sure if this is because I feel more fulfillment in working now, or I've got different priorities or whether my anxiety isn't as better as I think it is and losing interest in things is a bad sign. I still enjoy everything else though. Anyone else experience this? Do you think I should force myself to do it and gain interest in that hobby again?

26-06-14, 11:47
Yeah, its a common sign of anxiety or depression. I have a load of cacti that are flowing at the moment and I used to love taking pictures of them and what not but I couldn't give a dam at the moment.

26-06-14, 12:59
I find my enjoyment levels can rise and fall. A quick fix is exercise. If i do some cardio through the day, especially walking outside (flat walking is not enough so has to have some hills) that evening i observe i could find enjoyment in watching paint dry.

Regarding writing, i go off it too. I find it sometimes takes until you start to do it and get your imagination working, before the enjoyment switches back on. Maybe you just forget what the enjoyment in that thing was, so need to feel it again.

Go hiking, return and after an hour or two put your favourite music on and start writing. I bet youll look at the clock and itll be 4am and youll have written hundreds of pages.

26-06-14, 16:25
Thanks guys :) I'd be worried if it was everything, but it just seems to be writing and it makes me sad that I don't do it anymore. I'll try getting back into it :) I don't want to force it too much or it'll really be a chore lol. Anxious people seem to be good writers!

27-06-14, 02:14
Hi Lyn, yeah I lose interest in things I normally like, so annoying :doh:

When I have days like this, sometimes if I do something like a hobby 1 step or 1 thing at a time instead of forcing myself to do something I've lost all complete interest in, that helps me :)

I have thoughts like "what's the point" but if I can try and do something it eventually goes away. I know what you mean, anxious and good writers, when I used to write assignments in english gcse I sometimes felt creative and would write pages and pages :roflmao:

27-06-14, 12:07
HI Lyn89
gosh yes I understand this one well....I used to love making & recording music before my latest GAD journey. Then yeh, just total loss of interest in all things creative, gone in an instant after my first big panic attack.
Don't put yourself down for not enjoying these things just yet. It sounds like writing was important to you, I spent all my teens recording music. As I recovered I looked for new creative outlets as attempting to go back to the music & struggling with it was too painful & would get me down.
A high level of anxiety does seem to block the creative part of the brain. I would create a personal time & space, on a regular basis, (routine is good), & try a new creative activity for now. As your anxiety reduces over time, you may find you've picked up some new skills! plus the writing will return if you want it to.

27-06-14, 16:18
Thank you both :) I'm learning a new language at the moment, which is fun! I'm still just dedicating most of my time to my new job right now and my usual writing time is taken up watching a new show I like lol. The more I think about it, the more I feel my interests and priorities are just changing rather than losing interest because of anxiety. It doesn't help though. I'm due to have my computer repaired next week, so that could be a good time to write instead of skyping or working on the pc :)