View Full Version : Can't do this anymore ... someone please help. Ovarian Cancer

26-06-14, 09:38
Over the past four weeks I've have visited my GP twice, a&e twice, had an HIV test, three blood tests, three urine cultures and a stool sample submitted.

I was diagnosed with a UTI by my GP and an a&e doctor and took a course of anti-biotics, however, I am still having pain in the lower right area of my abdomen.

I saw my GP on Friday who ordered a full blood test, stool sample and urine culture which I am still waiting on the results for - she also ordered me a scan but didn't explain why just said she needs to 'rule everything out' before she can say my pains are stress-related.

But my symptoms have gotten worse and worse: I have lower right abdo pains almost constantly, I have a 'morning rush' and my stools are different but loose everytime, incomplete BMs and now I'm bloated.

I thought I had bowel cancer or a blockage in my bowel but now I'm convinced I have ovarian cancer (I have all the symptoms bar being off food and I'm just waiting for a diagnosis - I am so scared - but my boyfriend, family and friends just keep telling me the symptoms are consistant with anxiety because I've been wound up for weeks and my GP and doctors I've seen seem really unconcerned.

My anxiety 'kicked' off due to me googling my UTI symptoms.

A bit of background ... just before my anxiety developed I moved to London, started a new job, moved into a house share and was doing exams for the first month.

I just want to be clear of all these scary illnesses - I can barely sleep, I cry all the time and I have so little interest in anything other than dwelling on my symptoms.

Has anyone else had similar symptoms with a positive outcome?? I can't deal with this anymore.

26-06-14, 10:04
Has anyone suggested IBS to you?

26-06-14, 10:16
Hi Nicola,

My friend is a dietitian and suggested this to me and suggested keeping a symptom diary but the doc says she wants to 'rule things out first' as I have a family history of colitis and bowel cancer.
I just can't work out what came first - the pains or the worrying.

I know my boyfriend and family would be more concerned if they thought something was wrong but I just don't know how to get over this anxiety and enjoy my life :(.

Any tips?


26-06-14, 10:30
That is how they diagnose IBS - ruling out everything else first.

I would keep an eye on your diet as well and see if anything triggers things or makes the pain worse.

Catherine S
26-06-14, 11:06
I agree about the possibility of IBS...sounds like it could be. Don't worry about the scan, it doesn't suggest anything sinister. I had one recently to see if I had gall stones, which I didn't have, but was found to have alot of gas in my stomach which again is diet related.


26-06-14, 11:25
I really think this sounds like IBS I had the same symptoms. I had pains so crippling I was screaming like my lower ab was going to burst open, it could be ibs or a water infection too. Don't worry about the scan it's a good thing. Take care

26-06-14, 12:16
Thanks ladies! I hope it is ibs and nothing more sinister!
I just called for my results and had a note to make a routine appointment with the doctor about my blood test, stool and urine sample now I'm trying not to freak out!!!
The receptionist told me she didn't think I should be overly concerned as it's routine but surely if they were clear they would have just told me over the phone!
Unless she wants to talk about my anxiety levels now she's "ruled something out"
I guess I'm just asking if this is normal to be told to make an appointment!? Xxx

02-07-14, 21:19
Have u had your appointment?

Mrs Anxious
16-07-14, 07:12
How have you got on hun? I am in EXACTLY the same position as you right now, exact same symptoms except I have really bad back ache aswell, done a stool sample this morning and have to have bloods swabs and scan done, please let us know how it went xxx

16-07-14, 07:53
Hello hello :)!
Since I posted this I have been home to my parents for a long weekend, started doing yoga and running and spending time relaxing and the pains/symptoms seem to have gone!
I had a scan and the nurse said she couldn't see anything but I have an appointment with my dr on Monday to go through two scans, stool sample and blood results so I will know more then..
I have had a stressful week at work and my stomach does seem to be playing up - I mentioned this to my dietician friend who said it's likely to be ibs if it's 'situational.

How are you all getting on? As you can tell I'm developing some coping strategies :) yay!

16-07-14, 13:38
I had lower right pains for a while, even freaked enough that I had my doc go in and do a biopsy. Came back fine but I freaked until then! Our minds play huge tricks on us, glad you are feeling better!

16-07-14, 17:57
I was convinced that I had the same thing about a month ago... and also a year ago. I had all of the symptoms... I thought it was a UTI at first. Then I got a pap that came back abnormal about a month ago. I completely stopped eating, lost weight and was worried constantly. I finally went in for my test and was absolutely convinced I had cervical cancer because the last pap I had was over 5 years ago and I had hpv. Well turns out I got the all clear and there is nothing wrong with me. I got my appetite back and the pains have gone away. I have normal bowel movements too. Never ever underestimate the power your brain has over your body. If you are convinced that there is something wrong, your brain can put pain in the area where you are most concerned about. It's quite amazing if you think about it. Go for all of your scans and when you get the all clear I can almost guarantee you will feel much better. Just to set your mind at ease.

16-07-14, 19:27
Cusper is so right. Before my latest set of worries I had a horrible stomach, in the bathroom constantly having diarrhea. For the past month I have been worried about something else and have not had ANY bathroom issues at all. When I was focused on going the bathroom I was constantly in there multiple times a day. Ive been like this for years. The mind is unbelievably powerful. I wish I could set my mind to have me hit the lottery, now THAT would be great :-)