View Full Version : opinions please :'(

26-06-14, 11:25
I've got a new symptom of breathlessness, walking up the stairs I find myself out of breath.
I suffer from chest pain which I have been told is muscular, but while at the doctors she asked me if I have an ongoing cough or I suffer with breathlessness. I answered no which was the truth but now over the past week I have started to suffer with it. Then I remember that the doc asked about breathlessness and now I've scared myself.
Could it be that subconsciously I was thinking about it and that has triggered it? I know your body and mind is clever with what it can make you feel with HA, but is it able to do that?
Do not want to get back in the habit of going to the doctors every week and I have been quite a lot recently either due to me or my daughter.
Any reply on your thoughts would be much appreciated x

26-06-14, 11:40
I constantly suffer with breathlessness directly linked to anxiety, the only way I can describe it is though I can't get a deep enough breath, then I start to panic which makes my breathing worse until I get that deep breath then start to calm down a little until the next time. It's a horrid circle of worrying, and totally linked to anxiety. The best thing to do is make sure your upright and not crushing up your lungs at all and count slowly taking some slow and deep breaths. Take your mind onto something positive and you will start to calm and get your breathing right.
It's a scary feeling but I'm sure you will be fine. Take care

26-06-14, 12:20
Thank you for your reply. It's really scary and now I'm panicking about lung cancer.
I always thought you would get symptoms if you thought about it, not just suddenly wake up with a new symptom.
How long have you had this breathlessness for? X

26-06-14, 12:39
Breathless can be a symptom of Anxiety, I had it a few days ago when I wen to my Mothers and I was fine the next day. I was extremely anxious about all the chores I had to do in such a short space of time. It is all to do with your breathing and regular breathing exercises will help with this. You may have had some stressful things pile up and you are breathing too shallow and not getting that blood pumped round the body quick enough. It's ok, you won't die, it's your body just trying to tell you to breathe more easily. With the Hot and Humid weather as well, it can make it worse.