View Full Version : Low vitamin d ?

Down and out
26-06-14, 13:44
Would low vitamin d cause me to be tired and over anxious all the time ?

26-06-14, 14:14
We are all probably chronically low on vitamin D given our lifestyles and location on this hunk of rock. People will also presumably differ in their vit D requirements. As to the effects of low vit D I'm not sure. Various different sources will tell you vastly different things. It is a hot topic in research at the moment. But the best way to know for sure is to add vit D to your diet for 6 weeks and see what difference it makes.

If you do that don't go by the current RDAs. It's something like 400IUs but we actually need around about 8000IUs per day. So avoid all the usual sources of tablet vit D as you'd need to take around 20 tablets a day! There is an oral spray you can get in shops which gives doses of 1000 or 3000IU.

You can also get a blood test done to check your vit D but they can be expensive.

26-06-14, 14:31
Ribena Plus has Vitamin C and D in it now. Woohoo. Make the most of summer and spend work lunch breaks outside and evenings after work outside. Also - you're in the UK? Blood tests are free just speak to your GP.


Down and out
26-06-14, 14:49
Had blood test and bit d is low so best I get some and see x