View Full Version : i need help

ben johnson
26-06-14, 13:54
can having a big panic attack make you feel/ be sick, light headed and dizzy the next day??

26-06-14, 14:13
Yes. Dizzy-ness and Light-headedness is caused by the shallow breathing and the feeling sick is probably more than likely due to the Acid Reflux caused by the Anxiety/Panic Attack.
Do you do regular breathing exercise. Essential for Anxiety sufferers.
Breathe slowly and calmly through the nose and out through the mouth, counting 5 in and 7 out, a few times throughout the day or when needed. Always helped me and my light-headedness has gone completely now. (Had it for 3 months constant).
To calm the Acid Reflux, you need to be eating some stuff that calms your stomach and don't go for long periods without food and liquid. Green Tea is very good for this. (No milk or sugar). Too much fatty foods like processed meats, coffee, chocolate, cheese irritate your stomach when it is unsettled.

ben johnson
26-06-14, 14:24
no i dont do the breathing exercises because i havent been told to by anyone. okay i will remember not to eat a lot of fatty food ect but the thing is thow where i live in a hostle its hard for me not to eat fatty food ect because i have to eat what is cooked for me or i have to go with out and its fatty food all then time so i dont think im going to be able to do that but i will try thow and thanks

26-06-14, 14:29
Don't stress about the food thing, it is more important to have regular meals than not eat at all. The Acid Reflux is where the food is not being digested properly or when your stomach is upset and chucks your food all around your body. You may be thinking stressful things when eating or eating too quickly. Try reading something when eating a meal or chatting to someone, it might help. A glass of water will help with a meal as well.

ben johnson
26-06-14, 14:49
iv tryed talking to someone when i eat no one what i do i feel sick, but i might try and listen to music when i eat and see if that helps but i might have to give the glass of water a go when i eat

ben johnson
26-06-14, 21:28
the water with my meal didnt help me by the way and the music didnt even help me :(

26-06-14, 22:52
Maybe, it's the place you are eating? Can you take your food somewhere else to eat? You say that you are in a Hostel. Maybe it's the room that is giving you the Anxiety. When I used to sit up at the table with my Parents to eat dinner, I used to get knots in my stomach even before getting there.
Can you eat in your room or outside on a warm day? Just a thought.:)

ben johnson
27-06-14, 11:08
I dunno about that though because iv lived here for about 3 months and it hasnt happened before but it might be because of the people though. The rules are we are not aloud to eat food in our rooms though but i might have to talk to the manager about it to see if i can.

27-06-14, 19:35
Hi Ben,
I've been thinking about your situation and it may not be the eating or the food, but the situation you are in. Do you think you might be panicking thinking to yourself, "Is this where I am to spend my Life?" You might not like your digs/situation and that is making you panicky. The eating/food would be secondary. We have all had times where we don't like where we are at sometimes, even me. Whether; Home, Work, Hospital, even Towns. But, Life sends us all types of places, doesn't mean that is where you stay all your Life. Just a thought.:unsure:

27-06-14, 19:40
Hi Ben. I've been thinking about your problem and I wonder whether it may be your situation/place that you are in at the moment and the food/eating is the secondary problem. You maybe panicking about staying in a place that you fell uncomfortable with or panicking about the future. Many of us have had problems with Homes, Work, Towns etc., but Life changes all the time. I have experienced being unhappy and uncomfortable in all areas where I become panicky. It was just a thought.:unsure: