View Full Version : going red and blotchy is a HUGE problem for me...anyone else??

26-06-14, 16:26
god im writing on here more then ever im having a very anxious time at the minute and having a bad day....
Im constantly scared of going red and blotchy.... yes you look stupid but for me it causes an anxiety attack which can then effect me for days and get me in the cycle of avoiding more and more things and to be honest there aint a lot left in my life to avoid at the min...
today the dreaded redness took over.... I was waiting for the inlaws to drop my daughter off and it started and then they were late infact they still not dropped her off and it should have been 3... I couldn't even stay in my house it got that bad...this problem is really affecting my life... its always in social situations so I would say I have social anxiety but maybe what I have is the fear of this happening... its totally pathetic being like this I no but its taking over my life... I literally feel that I will never beable to be around people and be ok in particular my husbands family... its weird as there not bad people or horrible to me we just different people... has anyone got over this and if so how and what can I do???? im so upset that I just cant seem to overcome it

27-06-14, 17:02
I had this from ~16 years old. I would be overcome with a rash (physical urticaria) when doing any exercise, if i had a hot flush, or if i was anxious, or even just changing from hot/cold environment. It eventually got better, never gone completely but definately better.

Check your diet, i find sugary foods are a precursor. psychologically, remember that people don't 'feel' how you feel when it comes on so don't assume they think it is as bad as you think it is.

for me I tried to get my body used to more heat which helped. also, the real key is accepting it. that stops the stress cycle.

27-06-14, 18:49
Thank you for your reply... I think your right with accepted it but I'm really finding that hard... Thank you for your advice really helpful xx

27-06-14, 19:21
Hi. I go red and blotchy whenever I get really stressed. My face goes bright red and I get blotches on my neck and chest too. You should have seen the state of me the other day when I was at the dentist! I have had this for many years and yes I find it embarassing but I think it looks worse to me than to other people. It usually subsides when the panic is over so the answer for me would be not to get so worked up about things. I just accept thats the way I am and get on with things. Sorry I havent got anything helpful to say but you are certainly not alone x

27-06-14, 20:02
Thank you for replying it is nice to know I'm not alone cuz it certainly feels that way sum times x